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AgnosticI see no need for an introduction, so let's go ahead and get started. What is anagnostic? An agnostic is a person who takes a position of uncertainty toward God and the Bible. These people have no real convictions, for they know nothing for sure. Most agnostics have had more education than the rest of us, and they usually have a rather high opinion of themselves and their "open-mindedness." In Acts 17:22-23, the Apostle Paul addressed some agnostics at Athens who had erected an alter to "THE UNKNOWN GOD." Paul said they were "too superstitious."
Christianity is not a religion of uncertainty. We have an absolute Final Authority with absolute BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
A-MillennialismThis is the false belief that there will be no millennium--no one thousand year reign of Christ andHis saints on earth. Revelation 20:1-7 plainly tells us that there WILL be a millennial reign. Other interesting references can be found in II Timothy 2:11-13, Luke 19:17-19, and Revelation 5:10 (just to name a few). BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
AngelsAngels are "ministering spirits," according to Hebrews 1:14, and their primary purpose is to wait Not all angels belong to the Lord. Some of the angels have fallen (Jude 6-7, Gen. 6:1-4, II Pet.
AnnihilationThis false teaching is very popular with people like the "Jehovah's Witnesses," who do not believe BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
AntichristThis is a future individual who will be fully possessed and motivated by Satan himself. He will The antichrist is known in scripture as the "little horn" (Dan. 7:8), the "son of perdition" (II Ths. Antichrist and his followers will be destroyed by the Lord Jesus Christ at the second Advent of
ApostasyAn apostasy is a "falling away" from a standing position. Paul wrote in II Thessalonians 2:3 that a great falling away, or apostasy, would occur in the last days, just preceding our Lord's return. We have lived to see this prophecy fulfilled, for man has fallen further away from God in the past fifty years thanat any other time since the time of Christ. Apostasy can be found most anywhere you look, especially in religion, education, politics, the media, and in music.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Apostolic SignsIn Mark 16:17-18, Jesus said to the Apostles, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."Because of their inability and refusal to rightly divide the word of truth (II Tim. 2:15), the Charismatics operate under the false assumption that these signs are still in effect today and that it is THEIR duty to fulfill them. This is why we have charlatans like Oral Roberts and Jim Baker living in mansions and begging people for money. In their haste to make a dollar, the Charismatics consistently ignore the fact that Jesus said these were SIGNS, and that I Corinthians 1:22 tells us that SIGNS are for the JEWS. Israel began with signs (Rom. 4:11; Exo. 4:8 ,9, 17, 23, 28, 30; 7:3; 8:23; 10:1-2; 13:9; 31:13, 17; Deu. 4:34; 6:22), lived by signs (Deu. 11:18; Jos. 4:6; I Sam. 10:7; II Kgs. 19:29; Isa. 7:14; 38:7, 22; Eze. 4:3; 20:12, 20), and demanded signs from Christ (Mat. 12:38; 24:3). [ADVICE TO READERS: Everything that can be misunderstood WILL be misunderstood when you fail to check references.] There is more scripture to support the doctrine of signs being for Israel than there is to support the Virgin Birth and the Inspiration of Scripture combined! Anyone who ignores this truth is absolutely unqualified to teach, preach, or write anything about the Apostolic Signs. If you'll take a look at Hebrews 2:3-4 you will see that the signs were used to CONFIRM the word of God, and you will also see that the signs are spoken of in the PAST TENSE. They are also spoken of in the past tense in II Corinthians 12:12. Those who insist that we should practice the signs today because they were practiced throughout the New Testament haven't been reading (or believing) their Bible. They were not practiced throughout the New Testament. In fact, Paul left Trophimus SICK at Miletum (II Tim. 4:20); he gave Timothy medical advice instead of healing him (I Tim. 5:23), and he had infirmities of his own from which he could not be healed (II Cor. 11:30; 12:5-10). Now why all this sickness if the Apostolic Signs were still in effect? Answer: They WEREN'T still in effect, because they were only needed in the early ministry of the Apostles for the purpose of confirming the truth to Israel. Now we firmly believe that God can still work miracles and heal anyone He chooses, and we believe that the prayers of God's people can move Him to work miracles, but let's not confuse answered prayers with Apostolic Signs, because there's a vast difference. We believe in healing; we just don't believe in healers. You say, "Well what about speaking in unknown tongues through the Holy Ghost? Do you deny that people today speak in unknown tongues?" No, of course not. People have spoken in unknown tongues for thousands of years. Ever read Genesis 11? Was that an outpouring of the Holy Ghost? When the Church of Satan speaks in unknown tongues (which they do), is that a work of the Holy Ghost? When a psychologist can have you blubbering in unknown tongues within fifteen minutes, is that an outpouring of the Holy Ghost? You see, too many people have the idea that if something is highly abnormal or miraculous that it MUST be of God. The coming Antichrist will have a field day with such feeble minded people, because HE will work such "signs and lying wonders" that the entire world will follow after him (II Ths. 2:8-12; Rev. 13:13-14).
Nowhere in the New Testament did God command anyone to speak with unknown tongues. We
do read about "new tongues" (Mar. 16:17), "other tongues" (Acts 2:4) and "divers kinds of tongues" (I
Cor. 12:10), but these are all FOREIGN LANGUAGES, not senseless gibberish! There are no unknown
tongues in Acts 2, and there is no baptism of the Holy Ghost in I Corinthians 14. Instead of rightly
dividing the word of truth, the careless Charismatics wrest the scriptures to their own destruction by
ignoring the set divisions and doctrines that the Holy Spirit has inspired in the scriptures. The Apostolic
Signs are not for today, because they were only for confirming the word of God to the unbelieving Jews
in the first century. The Bible warns us to beware of anyone who professes to practice these signs today
(II Cor. 11:13-15; Mat. 7:15; 24:11; I Tim. 4:1-2), and the Lord commends the church at Ephesus for
trying out some professing apostles and finding them to be LIARS (Rev. 2:2). BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
ArmageddonThe word comes from Revelation 16:16, and it means "the hill of Megiddo" or "the city of Megiddo." Megiddo is a battlefield in Palestine, which was the sight of Barak's victory over the Canaanites (Jgs. 4:15), and also Gideon's victory over the Midianites (Jgs. 7). King Saul dies here (I Sam. 31:8), which is probably a foreshadow of the future destruction of Antichrist and his evil forces in the coming great battle.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
AtheismAtheism is the false and very foolish belief that there is no God (Psa. 14:1; Rom. 1:20). Like agnostics, most atheists have been educated beyond their intelligence.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
BackslidingThis is the act of sliding backward rather than pressing forward "toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Phi. 3:14). The term actually comes from Jeremiah chapter three where God's people are called backsliders because of their willingness to slide back into their sins. Today we often refer to unfaithful Christians as backsliders.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
BaptismA baptism is an IMMERSION. A person who has been baptized is a person who has been immersed in something, because that's what the word means.Many have the idea that all baptisms are WATER baptisms, but this isn't true. In Matthew 3:11, John the Baptist speaks of THREE different baptisms in one verse. He mentions WATER baptism, HOLY GHOST baptism, and FIRE baptism. One gets you wet, one gets you into the body of Christ, and one gets you into Hell! There's more than one kind of baptism, so we need to avoid using the word too loosely. A person is baptized by the Holy Ghost the very moment they receive Christ as Lord and Savior (I Cor. 12:13). This particular baptism is a SPIRITUAL baptism, and it should never be confused with WATER baptism (although it usually is). This spiritual baptism can be found in I Corinthians 12:13, Ephesians 4:5, Romans 6:3-4, and Galatians 3:27. It is not a water baptism, for water baptism places no one into the body of Christ. A person is saved by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8-9). Paul said that Christ sent him not to baptize, but to preach the gospel in I Corinthians 1:17, and "the gospel" does NOT include water baptism (I Cor. 15:1-4).
Does this mean that water baptism isn't important? No, it does not. Water baptism is very
important, for it pictures the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Christ. I Peter 3:21 tells us that
it is a "figure." Obedient Christians will submit to water baptism, but they should never confuse it with
their salvation. Remember, the repentant thief was saved WITHOUT being baptized in water (Luk.
23:42-43), and the eunuch of Acts chapter eight wasn't permitted to be baptized until he first BELIEVED
on Christ (Acts 8:37-38). Also see Believe. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Baptismal RegenerationThis is the false doctrine that water baptism actually regenerates the dead spirit in lost man and produces the new birth. The Bible says that the spirit of God does this--not water (I Cor. 12:13). Pagans have believed in this doctrine for thousands of years--even before the time of Christ. It has absolutely no part in Bible-believing Christianity.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Baptism of the Holy GhostThis is the spiritual baptism that we've just mentioned. It is a MIRACULOUS baptism, performed by the Lord Himself.
Most Charismatic groups teach that a person receives the Holy Ghost sometime AFTER they've
received Christ as Savior, but this is plain heresy. Romans 8:9 tells us that a person does not even
belong to Christ if that person doesn't have the Spirit of God, so salvation and the baptism of the Holy
Ghost are SYNONYMOUS, not separate. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
BeastThe coming Antichrist and his evil empire are referred to as "the beast" throughout the Book of Revelation.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
BelieveTo "believe" in the Bible is to fully rely on God's word. True belief is much more than mental assent, because even the devils believe mentally (Jas. 2:19). Bible belief involves conviction and commitment. A person who truly believes on Christ is a person who has fully RECEIVED Christ (Jhn. 1:12). To believe on Christ is to totally rely on HIM ALONE for salvation (Jhn. 3:16, 36; 5:24; 6:47; 11:25-26; Acts 16:30-31; Rom. 4:5; 10:9-10; I Jhn. 5:10-13; Gal. 3:22; I Ths. 2:13).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
BibleThe word means "book." When we say, "the Bible," we are actually saying "the Book." See Inspiration of Scripture.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Blood AtonementThe Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ is one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. It is the doctrine that the blood of Jesus Christ, the sacrificial Lamb of God, was shed to atone for the sins of lost mankind (Jhn. 1:29; Heb. 9:22), and that this sinless blood was applied to the mercy seat of God the Father in Heaven (Heb. 9:11-12). All of the animal sacrifices of the Old Testament FORESHADOWED the Blood Atonement of Christ. The innocent animal that was slain in Eden for Adam and Eve's covering (Gen. 3:21) pictured the slaying of our Lord Jesus Christ for our sins. Abel's accepted offering, the firstlings of his flock (Gen. 4:4), was also a type of the Blood Atonement of Christ. There are many pictures of the Blood Atonement in the Bible, but probably the greatest is found in Exodus chapter twelve, where God REDEEMS His people by the BLOOD of the passover lamb.
Today, with the completed Blood Atonement behind us, all sinners have access to God
THROUGH Jesus Christ, and through Him alone. Acts 20:28 says that God PURCHASED the church
"with his own blood." Revelation 1:5 assures us that Christ can WASH us from our sins in His blood.
Romans 5:8-9 says that we are JUSTIFIED by His blood, and we can have PEACE through His blood,
according to Colossians 1:20. Salvation was made possible, not by the DEATH of Christ alone, but by
His Blood Atonement which takes away our sins. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Born-AgainJesus was the first to use this term, and He used it to stress the necessity for lost mankind to see his need for a second birth (Jhn. 3:3). Our first birth was physical, but our spirit remained dead in God's sight. When a person receives Christ as Savior, he is BORN AGAIN, for his dead spirit is made alive, or "quickened" (Eph. 2:1). The Holy Spirit takes up residence inside the new believer (Eph. 4:30) and gives him a new life in Christ (Gal. 2:20; II Cor. 5:17). Every real Christian has been born again, and no one has been born again who is not a Christian. Also see I Peter 1:23.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
CalvinismA Calvinist is a person who subscribes to the theological beliefs of John Calvin, the Swiss Protestant reformer of the sixteenth century. There are five main points in Calvinism, four of which are false teachings. The five points of Calvinism are usually represented by the letters T.U.L.I.P.The "T" is for TOTAL DEPRAVITY. This is the false doctrine that man is so depraved that he cannot even see his sinful condition and call upon God for salvation. It is true that all men are natural- born sinners (Rom. 3:23; 5:12; Psa. 51:5), but it is also true that God COMMANDS all men to repent and receive Christ (Acts 17:30-31; I Jhn. 3:23; Luk. 13:3). Man is indeed depraved, but he isn't so depraved that he has no free will of his own (II Pet. 3:9; Jn. 1:12; 3:16; Jos. 24:15; Exo. 35:5, 21, 22, 29). Total Depravity is heresy. "U" stands for UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION, which is a heresy derived from perverting verses like Ephesians 1:4-5 and Romans 8:29. The Calvinists believe that God predestinated everyone way back before Genesis 1:1, totally ignoring their free will to choose for themselves. That is, He supposedly decided who would go to Heaven and who would go to Hell long before anyone was even born. If you'll read Romans 8:29 and I Peter 1:1-2 you'll see that God's election is based on FOREKNOWLEDGE. He didn't elect to save or damn anyone against their free will. God knew all along who would choose Christ and who would not, and He made His "elections" based on that information. Then we have the "L" for LIMITED ATONEMENT. This is the belief that only a limited number of people can be washed from their sins in the precious blood of Christ, because only "the elect" will be saved anyhow. The idea is that Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it (Eph. 5:25); so the blood of Christ was only shed for the church. This is foolishness. I Timothy 2:6 says that Christ gave Himself a ransom for ALL, not just the elect. ALL have sinned (Rom. 3:23); so He died for ALL, and He saves "as many as" receive Him. The "I" stands for IRRESISTIBLE GRACE, which is also false doctrine. This teaching says that God the Holy Spirit overpowers the sinner and grants him the new birth without his submission or positive response. As we've already seen, man DOES have a free will and no one is saved without CHOOSING to believe on Christ as Lord and Savior. There is no such thing as irresistible grace. God has given us all the ability to resist anyone or anything we choose (Acts 7:51; II Tim. 3:8; Jas. 4:7). There are times when the convicting power of the Holy Spirit is so strong and real that a sinner sees no choice but to give in to God and receive Christ as Savior, but the sinner always has a choice. No one is saved against their will, and no one is saved without first choosing to receive Christ.
The last letter is "P," which represents the PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS. This is the only
point in "T.U.L.I.P" which is scripturally sound. Once a sinner receives Christ, he is predestinated to be
conformed to Christ's image (Rom. 8:29). That is, as Christians, we are eternally secure and cannot lose
the salvation which God has freely given us. Also see Eternal Security. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Capital PunishmentCapital Punishment, commonly referred to as the "death penalty," is very scriptural. From the very beginning, God has required LIFE FOR LIFE. The death penalty is first mentioned in Genesis 9:6, long before the law of Moses was given, and it stays on God's law books throughout the Bible (Exo. 21:12; Num. 35:16-31; Rom. 13:1-4; Acts 25:11). As you can see from Acts 25:11 and Romans 13:1-4, the death penalty is still God's will for today. God has given man the responsibility of enforcing the death penalty, and justice has not been served until it has been enforced.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Charismatic MovementThe Charismatic Movement is a twentieth century religious movement (Assemblies of God, Pentecostals, Full Gospel Fellowships, etc.) which majors in teaching false doctrines about the ministry of the Holy Ghost, tongues, healing, and signs. Rather than winning the lost to Christ, the Charismatics spend most of their time questioning the spirituality and sanctity of other Christians. Charismatics are very big on inner "feelings," but very small on scriptural facts. Paul stated it best in II Corinthians 11:4 when he said that these people have "another Jesus," "another spirit," and "another gospel." These are very dangerous people. They may look nice, talk nice, and sometimes even sing nice, but their doctrines are DEADLY. Also see Apostolic Signs.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
ChristianA Christian is one who truly believes on Christ as Savior. The disciples were first called "Christians" at Antioch (Acts 11:26). A Christian is not someone who professes Christ, but rather someone who POSSESSES Christ as Lord and Savior.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
ChurchThe word literally means "called out assembly," so the church consists of people who have been called out of this world.The church is not an organization, but rather an ORGANISM. That is, it's a living body of believers. Anyone who has been saved by receiving Christ as Savior is a member of the church, for the church is made up of all true believers in Christ. A person's denominational membership is in no way connected with his membership in the body of Christ. Those who have truly received Christ are members of His church, regardless of what any denomination believes or says (Jhn. 1:12; Acts 16:31; Jhn. 5:24; Mat. 11:28; Rom. 10:13. etc.).
Beware of anyone who speaks of THEIR church as being the "true church," because the true
church is a SPIRITUAL BODY OF BELIEVERS IN CHRIST, not an organized group of religious people.
The Bible will sometimes use the term "church" when referring to local assemblies of Christians
(Rom. 16:5; I Cor. 1:2; I Ths. 1:1; Phi. 2), but the term is never a reference to any denomination or any
ConfessionTo confess is to admit something, and it's usually something about yourself. It is the duty of all sinners to confess their sinful condition and forsake their sins by receiving Jesus Christ as their Savior (Pro. 28:13; Mat. 10:32; Rom. 10:9-10). Christians are told to confess their sins in order to obtain forgiveness and to maintain fellowship with God (I Jn. 1:9). Sins are to be confessed TO THE LORD, not to any human being (including Mary), for the Lord Jesus Christ is the One mediator between God and men (I Tim. 2:5).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
ConscienceA person's conscience is basically his inner awareness. God gave us our conscience to keep us aware of the things that can harm us, as well as the things that can help us. It is our job to keep our conscience pure (I Tim. 1:5; 3:9; II Tim. 1:3). When a person doesn't feed his conscience with spiritual things, such as the word of God, prayer, and witnessing, he is in danger of DEFILING his conscience (Tit. 1:15), SEARING his conscience (I Tim. 4:2), and rendering it WEAK (I Cor. 8:7). Our conscience is a lot like our alarm clock: it's no good unless we keep it set and working properly.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Contradictions in ScriptureThere are none. There are many APPARENT contradictions in the Bible, but each can be explained with a careful and prayerful study, comparing scripture with scripture. All scripture is given by inspiration of God (II Tim. 3:16), and God does not inspire contradictions and confusion (I Cor. 14:33).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
CovetousnessTo covet is to have a longing for something, and it's usually a longing for something that you don't need. Christians should practice CONTENTMENT, not covetousness (Phi. 4:11; I Tim. 6:6-8; Heb. 13:5). The Lord Jesus spoke of covetousness as being one of the thirteen evils of the heart (Mar. 7:21- 22), and He commands us to "beware of coveteousness" in Luke 12:12. Paul says in Colossians 3:5 that coveteousness is IDOLATRY. We, as Christians, need to set our affection on THINGS ABOVE, not on the things of this earth, according to Colossians 3:2.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
CreationThis is the doctrine that the earth and all the universe were literally created by an intelligent Being. Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." John 1:3 tells us that "All things were made by him . . . " Colossians 1:16 says, "For by him were all things created . . ." Then Hebrews 1:3 says that God actually MADE THE WORLDS by Jesus Christ.
Jesus, of course, believed in literal creation, and He tells us so in Mark 13:19. The theory of
Evolution is contrary to God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Deity of ChristThe Deity of Christ is the doctrine that Jesus Christ is GOD. God is a Trinity (I Jn. 5:7), and the second Member of that Trinity is the Lord Jesus Christ. John 1:1 says that "the Word was God," and John 1:14 tells us that "the Word was made flesh." Jesus Christ is the Word incarnate, and John 1:1 tells us that the Word was God; so Jesus Christ is God.Jesus allowed Thomas to address Him as "My Lord and my God" in John 20:28. In Isaiah 9:6 He is called "The mighty God" and "The everlasting Father," and we read in Micah 5:2 that Jesus is "from everlasting." Our Lord allowed people to worship him in John 10:38 and in Matthew 14:33, and since He is "God with us" (Mat. 1:23), He also has power to forgive sins (Mk. 2:5).
The Deity of Christ is one of the main fundamentals of the Christian faith, because the Bible is
very clear in emphasizing the fact that Jesus Christ is more than just a great man. He existed long
before He came to this earth to be born of a woman, because He is ETERNAL. He's God. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Deity of the Holy GhostThe Holy Ghost is also Deity, for He's the third member of the Holy Trinity (I Jn. 5:7). In Acts 5:3- 4 Peter accuses Ananias of lying to the Holy Ghost, and in doing so, he tells him that he had lied to GOD. The Holy Ghost is God. The Holy Ghost says in Acts 13:2 that He had CALLED Barnabas and Saul, which only God could do, and He does many other things that only God could do (Jhn. 14:16, 26; 16:8-14; Job 33:4; Psa. 104:30; I Cor. 6:11; Eph. 1:13, 4:30, etc.). The Holy Spirit is OMNIPRESENT (Psa. 39:7-8), OMNISCIENT (I Cor. 2:10-11), and ETERNAL (Heb. 9:14). He inspired the scriptures ( II Pet. 1:21), and He gives life (Jhn. 6:63; 3:6). The Holy Spirit is God, for only God could perform such tasks.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
DemonsDemons are called "devils" in the Bible. Although we are not certain about their origin, many believe they are DISEMBODIED SPIRITS from the Pre-Adamite earth, which was probably drowned out after the fall of Lucifer (II Pet. 3:6; Gen. 1:2; Isa. 14:12-15).
We know that these devils are UNCLEAN SPIRITS, for the Bible tells us so in Matthew 8:16 and
Mark 5:12-13. There is one who is THE Devil, and he has many "devils" under his command (Mar. 5:9;
Luk. 9:1, 11:15; Jas. 2:19). According to the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:43-45 these devils desire
to inhabit human bodies, and Mark 5:11-13 tells us that they can even inhabit the bodies of animals.
They can do great harm by causing much sickness and suffering (Mat. 9:18-22, 32-33; 12:22; Luk. 8:26-
35; 13:11-17), and they can also SEDUCE a person to lie and teach false doctrine (I Tim. 4:1; I Kgs.
22:22-23). Some people are so influenced by evil spirits that the Bible terms them as being "possessed"
with devils (Mat. 4:24; Mar. 5; Acts 8:7). Of course, the greatest defense against demonic influence is
always the word of God and prayer (Mat. 8:16; Eph. 6:10-18). BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
DispensationThe word is found in I Corinthians 9:17, Ephesians 1:10, Ephesians 3:2, and in Colossians 1:25. A dispensation is basically a period of time in which God DISPENSES to man (or to nations) certain responsibilities, and He rewards or judges man for fulfilling or not fulfilling his responsibilities.
There are seven major dispensations in the Bible, and each has a different set of responsibilities
for man to fulfill. Each of the seven also ends with failure and judgment. The seven are as follows:
DoctrineA doctrine is simply a Bible truth, any Bible truth. Doctrine is the primary reason for the inspiration of the scriptures (II Tim. 3:16-17), and it should be the objective of any serious Bible study. A sincere Bible student will always ask, "What saith the scripture?" (Rom. 4:3) not "What does my church teach?" or "What is the standard interpretation?" According to the Apostle Paul, we need to give attendance to DOCTRINE (I Tim. 4:13), or we will end up with "doctrines of devils" (I Tim. 4:1). Also see Isaiah 8:20.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Ecumenical MovementThis is a wicked twentieth-century unity movement of religious modernists and liberals. It is Satan's desire to unite the world so that all will be in subjection to the coming Antichrist (Rev. 13:3; 12:9); therefore, religious unity is considered a must. Most ecumenicals have no real convictions, and they generally deny the fundamentals of Christianity and the infallibility of scripture. The Pope, quite naturally, is the chief ring leader. One might call the ecumenical movement a modern-day "Tower of Babel" movement. Like Babel, the movement will soon end with the intervening judgment of God (Zep. 3:8; Mat. 13:40).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Eternal SecurityThe Eternal Security doctrine is the "once saved, always saved" doctrine that so many people have trouble believing, because it just doesn't sound logical.Actually, it is VERY logical and very scriptural as well. My eternal security in Christ is based on my RELATIONSHIP with God, not my fellowship with Him. I am not saved because I fear God and serve Him, but rather because I have entered into a Father/Son relationship with Him through the Lord Jesus Christ. I was once a child of the Devil and a child of wrath (Jn. 8:44; Eph. 2:3), but now I am a son of God (Jhn. 1:12; I Jhn. 3:2; Rom. 8:14; Gal. 4:5). Upon receiving Christ as my Savior, I was SEALED with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption (Eph. 4:30; II Cor. 1:22), and I am KEPT by the power of God (I Pet. 1:5), not by my own power. Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me (Heb. 13:5; Mat. 28:20), because He BOUGHT me with His own blood (Acts 20:28; I Cor. 6:19-20).
If I choose to be a disobedient child, then my Father in Heaven will CHASTEN me (Rev. 3:19;
Heb. 12:4-8; I Cor. 11:30-32), but I will remain a saved and sealed son of God (Jhn. 5:24; I Jhn. 5:11-13;
Rom. 8:38-39; Phi. 1:6; Jhn. 6:37; 10:28-29). I am eternally secure in Christ (even if you aren't going
to check the references). BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Faith""Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Heb. 11:1) Faith is simply believing without seeing, and it is impossible to please God without it (Heb. 11:6). We are SAVED by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8), and we are to LIVE by faith (Rom. 1:17; Gal. 2:20). Jesus told Thomas, ". . . blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." (Jhn. 20:29) Why? Because that's faith, and it pleases God. Our faith will one day END in SIGHT, when Jesus returns (Acts 1:11; I Ths. 4:13-18), but our faith is not BASED on sight. It is based on the written word of God (I Jhn. 5:10-13). Faith is also a fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
False ProphetsA false prophet is one who falsely predicts future events. I John 4:1 tells us that there are MANY false prophets in the world, just as the Lord Jesus Christ prophesied in Matthew 24:11.
False prophets deceive people with miracles (Mat. 24:24; Rev. 13:14), good words and fair
speeches (Rom. 16:17-18), and of course, just down right lying (Jer. 14:14). False prophets generally
have a very positive outlook toward man, unity, love, science, education, integration, and world peace,
but they have a very negative view toward the infallibility of scripture, salvation by faith in Christ alone,
the Blood Atonement, the Deity of Christ, and the Pre-millennial Second Coming of Christ. Isaiah 8:20
and Deuteronomy 18:20-22 are great verses to keep in mind when trying to discern between true and
false prophets. Also remember Matthew 7:20: "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Fear of GodThis is something that America knows very little about, or, as Paul wrote in Romans 3:18, "There is no fear of God before their eyes." A person who fears God is a person who lives a humble and obedient life before God, always being mindful of the fact that God is HOLY and He will not overlook sin. Psalm 111:10 says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom." According to Proverbs 15:16, "Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith." No matter how educated or wealthy a man may be, if he doesn't fear God he is FOOLISH and POOR. Solomon said, ". . . . Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." ( Ecc. 12:13)
A man who fears God has no one else to fear, but a man who fears not God has everyone to fear.
Putting God first and fearing Him above all is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. Also see Psalm 118:6,
Matthew 10:28, and Proverbs 29:25. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
FornicationWrongfully called "pre-marital sex" and "free love" by the worldly crowd, fornication is the act of intercourse between unmarried partners, and it is strictly forbidden in the scriptures. The marriage bed is undefiled (Heb. 13:4), but fornication is an abomination in the sight of God (Rom. 1:28-29; I Cor. 6:13- 20, 7:2, 10:8; Gal. 5:19-21). We read in I Corinthians 6:9-10 that fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
GentileA Gentile is anyone who isn't a Christian or a Jew (I Cor. 10:32). In the Old Testament a Gentile was anyone other than a Jew, for there were no Christians around then.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
GodGod is the One Almighty Being Who created all people, places, and things (Gen. 1), so He is SUPERIOR to all people, places, and things.Even Satan and his evil hosts are subject unto God, and they can do nothing without His permission (Job 1:6-12, 2:1-6; Isa. 14:12-15; Zec. 3:1-2; Mat. 4:3-11; Col. 2:13-15; Rom. 16:20; I Cor. 8:5-6). God has many wonderful attributes. Just to mention a few, He is eternal (Psa. 90:2), holy (Isa. 6:3; I Sam. 2:2), righteous (Ezr. 9:15), just (Deu. 32:4), longsuffering (II Pet. 3:9; Exo. 34:6), loving (I Jhn. 4:7-8), jealous (Nah. 1:2), merciful (Deu. 4:31; Psa. 103:8), omniscient (Job 34:22; II Chr. 16:9), omnipresent (Psa. 139:7-10), and omnipotent (Job 42:2; Jer. 132:27). God has revealed Himself to man in three ways: through nature (Psa. 19:1-4; Rom. 1:20), through the written word (Pro. 22:20; II Pet 1:20-21; II Tim. 3:16-17), and through the Lord Jesus Christ (Heb. 1:2; Jhn 1:1, 14, I Tim. 3:16).
God's will for man today is that all will repent of their sins and receive the Salvation that is freely
offered through Jesus Christ. Beware of anyone who speaks of God without speaking of the Lord Jesus
GospelAccording to I Corinthians 15:1-4, "the gospel" today is the good news that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and then rose again the third day according to the scriptures. This gospel is to be "obeyed" by BELIEVING on it (Rom. 10:16), not by getting baptized, as some teach.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
GraceGrace is basically unmerited favor--God's choosing to love us, save us, and bless us while we are yet in our sins. Because of grace, we can receive something for nothing. Ephesians 2:8-9 says that we are SAVED by grace, and John 1:14 tells us that the Lord Jesus was full of GRACE and TRUTH. Someone has said that grace is God's Riches At Christs' Expense.The word is also used in reference to the present dispensation in which we live, the "dispensation of the grace of God" (Eph. 3:2).
It is also our Christian duty to manifest grace toward others in our Christian walk, just as the Lord
has been gracious toward us (Eph. 4:7, 29; Col. 4:6). BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Great TribulationThis term was first used by the Lord Jesus Himself in Matthew 24:21. The Great Tribulation is a period of time in the very near future in which God will pour out His accumulated wrath upon the earth's inhabitants.The Book of Revelation has a great deal to say about the Great Tribulation in chapters six through nineteen. The wicked son of Satan (Antichrist) will rise to power and rule the world, demanding worship from everyone (Rev. 13). The Tribulation will be about seven years in length, with the latter half being the worse by far (Rev. 11:3; 13:5). Antichrist and his followers will be destroyed by the Lord Jesus Christ at the Second Coming (Rev. 19:11-21). Christians will not have to endure the Great Tribulation , for we are not appointed to wrath according to I Thessalonians 1:10 and 5:9. We will be "caught up" to be with the Lord before the Tribulation starts (I Ths. 4:13-18; I Cor. 15:51-52).
The Tribulation Period is primarily a Jewish dispensation in which God takes up dealing with
Israel as a nation, preparing the Jews as a people to receive Christ. It is the seventieth week of Daniel
9:24-27, and Jeremiah 30:7 refers to this time as the "time of Jacob's trouble." After suffering much
misery and persecution during the Great Tribulation, Israel will turn to Christ for salvation (Isa. 66:7-8;
Rom. 11:26; Deu. 4:30-31). BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Greek TextWhen you hear someone use this term, or when you hear them use the terms "the Greek text," or "the original Greek," or "the original manuscript," be careful because you have come in contact with someone who spends a great deal of time playing an old children's game known as make believe. There is no such thing as "the Greek text," and no one living today has ever seen "the original Greek" because it hasn't existed since it fell apart many many centuries ago. Usually when a man makes reference to "the Greek," he is having trouble believing what God has already told him in THE ENGLISH. There are over 5000 PIECES of manuscript evidence available, which have been found in different places, but there is no "original manuscript" in existence. No one knows what the "original" says, because no one has it, and no one living today has ever seen it. (See Romans 1:22 for further comment.)BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
HealingSee Apostolic Signs.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
HeavenHeaven is a literal place beyond the northern regions of our universe (Psa. 48:2; 75:6-7; Isa. 14:13; Eze. 1:4-5). It is a pure and holy place which has never been touched by the curse of sin and death. It is the actual abode of God and all His mighty hosts (Mat. 6:9; 22:30; 26:53; Jhn. 14:1-3; Rom. 8:34; Rev. 19:11-14).
Revelation chapters 21 and 22 speak of the city New Jerusalem coming down from God OUT of
Heaven. This will be the glorious home of all saints in eternity. It will be a place of happiness and
peace, a place without tears, death, sorrow, crying, pain, or hunger (Rev. 7:16; 21:4). Heaven is the
fulfillment of every human need, but one can only go there through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Paul tells
us in Colossians 3:2 that this is where our affection should be today; we should be homesick for Heaven.
As the song says, "This world is not my home, I'm just passing through!" BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
HellHell is a literal burning place in the center of the earth. It is NOT the grave, as many cultists teach, for no one BURNS in the grave as they do in Hell (Luk. 16:23-24; Deu. 32:22; Mar. 9:43-48). Hell was originally prepared for the Devil and his angels (Mat. 25:41), but, since man chose to enter the domain of sin and death, Hell has become his place of torment as well. We read in Revelation 20:14 that Hell will eventually be cast into the "lake of fire."
For those who are opposed to "hell fire preachers, " you may find it interesting to note that "hell
fire" was first used by none other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself (Mat. 5:22; Mar. 9:47). It isn't God's
will that anyone should go to Hell (II Pet. 3:9), but He will certainly allow all who reject Christ to go there. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
HeresyA heresy is a departure from truth, a false doctrine propagated by false prophets and teachers (also known as "heretics"). II Peter 2:1 warns us about "damnable heresies." However, the presence of heresies should not surprise us, because I Corinthians 11:19 says, "For there must be heresies among you, that they which are approved may be manifest among you." That is, the light of God's truth shines even brighter among heresies. According to II Timothy 2:15, we are supposed to STUDY and RIGHTLY DIVIDE the word of truth in order to be "approved."BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Holy GhostSee Deity of Holy Ghost.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
HumilityA person who has humility is a person who thinks of himself no higher than he ought to think (Rom. 12:3). Jesus said that we are to become "as little children" in Matthew 18:3. We must gladly humble ourselves in the sight of God, trusting Him to exalt us in due time (Col. 3:12; Jas. 4:6, 10; I Pet. 5:6). Proverbs 15:33 says, ". . . .before honour is humility."
IdolatryIdolatry is basically the act of worshipping anything or anyone less than God. When we allow anything or anyone to come between us and God, we are guilty of idolatry. Many have the idea that idolatry can only be committed by worshipping material objects such as graven images, planets, stars, or by worshipping people or animals. However, the Bible informs us that a BAD HEART ATTITUDE can be idolatry (I Sam. 15:23; Col. 3:5). God knows our hearts, and if He doesn't have FIRST PLACE, then we are guilty of idolatry.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Imputed RighteousnessImputed righteousness is the righteousness of Jesus Christ which has been imputed, or ACCOUNTED, to the new believer. When one forsakes his self-righteousness and fully believes on Christ, God imputes the righteousness of Christ to that individual (Rom. 4:5-8). Our sins were placed upon Christ (II Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:13), and His righteousness is placed upon us when we receive Him as Savior by faith.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Inspiration of ScriptureWhen we speak of the Inspiration of Scripture, we are speaking of the fact that the Bible is like no other book in the world. Other writings convey the thoughts of men, but the Bible is a divine revelation from God. Men were instrumental in reducing the scriptures to print, but men did not author the scriptures. The Bible tells us the following in II Peter 1:20-21: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." This is commonly called VERBAL INSPIRATION. II Timothy 3:16 tells us that ALL scripture is GIVEN by inspiration of God. That is, it was inspired of God the moment it was SPOKEN, and then the spoken word was reduced to writing by appointed scribes (II Sam. 8:17; 20:25; II Kgs. 19:2; 22:3; I Chr, 24:6; Ezr. 7:6; Jer. 36:10, 12, 32; 37:15; Mat. 8:19; 15:1; 17:10; Luk. 5:30; Luk. 11:44; Acts 23:9).There are some very strong proofs for the inspiration of scripture. I've chosen to list five of them:
IsraelThis word first occurs in Genesis 32:28, and it means "having power with God." Jacob was renamed "Israel" after his wrestling match with the angel of God, but the term is used throughout the Bible in reference to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob--the Jews. God made a covenant with Abraham which included making of Abraham's descendants a great and blessed nation with a national homeland (Gen. 12:2; 15:18-20). It was God's desire to be glorified on a national scale by His chosen people, and to bring forth the Messiah, the Savior of the world, through this chosen people. The Jews rejected Christ and were dispersed among the Gentile nations of the world in the first century A.D., but in this twentieth century God has led them back to their Palestinian homeland, established them as an independent nation (1948), and will soon judge them severely during the Great Tribulation, immediately preceding the Second Coming of Christ. The nation of Israel will be converted to Jesus Christ and the Jews will fulfill the original plan of God in the coming millennial reign (Jer. 23:5-8; Eze. 37:21-25; Amos 9:14-15; Acts 15:14-17; Rom. 11:26-27; Isa. 66:7-8).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Jesus ChristThe word "Jesus" implies "Savior" and "Christ" means "anointed one." Therefore "Jesus Christ" is God's ANOINTED SAVIOR. He is the virgin born Son of God (Isa. 7:14; Mat. 1:23) who was born into this world to be the sinless sacrifice for the sin of the world (Jhn. 1:29; Rev. 13:8). His birth, life, ministry, and crucifixion were all pre-planned in the heart of God, and He was obedient unto death (Phi. 2:8). Jesus lived a sinless life and gave Himself as a payment for the sins of the world. He was resurrected for our justification (Rom. 4:25), and He is currently seated at the right hand of God as our high priest and mediator (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 3:1; 10:12; I Tim. 2:5). He will soon return to this earth to receive His saints unto Himself (Jhn 14:1-3), and to take over the kingdoms of this present evil world (Rev. 11:15-17; 19:11-21). Until then, all who believe on Him may have eternal life and enter into the glories of Heaven. Also see Deity of Christ.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
JewA Jew is any descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. See Israel.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
JudgmentThere are many different judgments in the scriptures, and only by rightly dividing the word of truth can anyone make the proper distinctions. We shall briefly cover four of them:
Return to the Index (Top of the Page) JustificationJustification is a divine act where God declares a sinner to be sinless, or just, in His sight. This, of course, is made possible through the finished work of Christ at Calvary (Acts 13:39; Rom. 3:24-28; 5:1, 9; 8:30). As many preachers say, "I've been justified, and it's just if I'd never sinned!"BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Kingdom of GodAccording to Romans 14:17 and Luke 17:21, this is a SPIRITUAL kingdom which is presently within the hearts of God's people. Those who have received Christ as Savior have been translated spiritually into this great kingdom (Col. 1:13; Eph. 1:3; 2:6). As a Christian, I am already in the Kingdom of God and it is in me.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Kingdom of HeavenMost immediately assume that this kingdom is the same as the Kingdom of God, but it isn't. Just as God and Heaven are not the same, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are not the same. God is spiritual (Jhn 4:24), while Heaven is God's physical creation (Gen. 1:1). Hence the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom, while the kingdom of Heaven is a literal and physical kingdom. God gave Adam dominion over this kingdom in Genesis 1:28. It's an earthly kingdom, but it was God's will for it to be run "as it is in heaven" (Mat. 6:10). As the Old Testament continues, we find God appointing different men over this physical kingdom (Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, etc). Evidently, the Kingdom of Heaven departed in Jeremiah chapter 22, when God swore than no descendant of Coniah would prosper sitting upon the throne of David. This ushered in the "times of the Gentiles" (Luk. 21:24) with the Babylonian captivity. Then came the kingdoms of the Medes and Persians, then the Greeks, then the Romans. According to Luke 4:6, Satan is in charge of these worldly kingdoms, and he gives them to whomever he wishes. II Corinthians 4:4 says that he is the "god of this world."Then came GOD'S King, the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews, the Messiah. The Jews knew that God had promised them a kingdom (Gen. 49:10; Isa. 2:1-5; Isa. 49:5-13; Psa. 2; Jer. 23:5; Luk. 1:30-33, etc.). John the Baptist and Jesus both preached that the kingdom of heaven was at hand (Mat. 3:2; 4:17), but the Jews REJECTED their King and chose a GENTILE king instead (Jhn. 19:15). Therefore the kingdom was NOT restored to Israel. After the resurrection, the disciples asked Jesus if He was now going to restore the kingdom to Israel (a literal, physical, and visible kingdom--the Kingdom of Heaven), and He said, ". . . . It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power." (Acts 1:6-7) They were not asking Him to restore the SPIRITUAL Kingdom of God (Rom. 14:17), for they never had it to start with! They'd never been born again by the Spirit of God! They wanted THEIR kingdom back--the literal and physical Kingdom of Heaven.
Now, when Jesus returns the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven will actually become
one, but let's not make the mistake of thinking that they're the same now. One is spiritual, while the
other is physical. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
King James 1611 A.V.This term refers to the King James Authorized Version, the Book that God uses and the Devil hates. It was originally translated under King James I of England between the years 1604 and 1611. The King James Bible is an English translation from the "Textus Receptus" or "Received Text" of the reformation. This means that the KJV is supported by NINETY-FIVE PERCENT OF ALL MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE. All other translations are based on the remaining five percent evidence.Most people (including Bible college professors) have been led to believe that the new translations, such as the ASV, the NIV, the RSV, and the NASV are just revisions of the old King James Bible. Nothing could be further from the truth! All new translations are based on the Westcott and Hort Greek Text (wrongly referred to as "THE Greek Text" by people who enjoy playing make believe). Westcott and Hort were two English "scholars" who spent the late 1800's communicating with evil spirits and perverting the word of God by fooling around with corrupt Roman Catholic manuscripts. All new translations are based on the work of these two men; so all true Bible-believers avoid the new versions.
The King James Bible is from a whole different text , known as the Byzantine or Syrian type text,
which comes from a line of manuscripts that run clear back to Antioch, Syria, which just happens to be
where the disciples were first called "Christians" (Acts 11:26). God has honored this text throughout
Church History, throughout the Protestant Reformation, and since 1611, He has been honoring the King
James Bible by saving millions and millions of lost souls with it's preaching and teaching. It is the Book
of all Books, because it is the pure and preserved word of God for the English speaking people. (For
more information on this subject, send for our tracts titled How I Know the KJV is the Word of God and
Let's Compare Bibles.) BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
LawThe "law" is usually a reference to the Old Testament written law of Moses. It consisted of three basic divisions: commandments, judgments, and ordinances. The commandments revealed God's will to the nation (Exo. 20:1-26), the judgments governed Israel as a society (Exo. 21:1-24:11), and the ordinances governed the religious practices of Israel (Exo. 24:12-31:18). The primary purpose of the law was not to save man, but to show man his sinful condition and his need for a Savior (Rom. 3:20). Paul says that the law was a "schoolmaster" to bring us to Christ in Galatians 3:24.
Today we are under GRACE, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that
believeth." (Rom. 10:4) Also see Matthew 5:17. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Lord's SupperThe Lord's Supper was instituted by Christ Himself the night preceding His crucifixion (Mat. 26:26- 29; Mar. 14:22-25). Jesus says in Luke 22:19-20 that we are supposed to observe the Lord's Supper in remembrance of Him and it is a showing of His death until He returns, according to I Corinthians 11:23-26.Some insist that the Lord's Supper should be a weekly observance, but the Bible never says this. The words "as oft as" in I Corinthians 11:26 indicate that God allows us to decide for ourselves how often to observe the Lord's Supper.
The Roman Catholics have traditionally held that the Lord's Supper is a continual sacrifice of
Christ, and that one literally partakes of Christ's flesh and blood in the Catholic Mass (their perversion
of the Lord's Supper). This, of course, is unscriptural (Heb. 10:10-14; Acts 15:29; Psa. 16:4; Lev. 17:11-
12; Gen. 9:4). God has never commanded anyone to drink blood. He has always condemned such
Mark of the BeastThe Mark of the Beast is mentioned in Revelation 13:17, 16:2, and 19:20, and it is closely connected with the number and name of the Beast (13:17-18; 15:2; 14:11). The Beast, the coming Antichrist, will cause the people of the world to receive this mark in their right hands or in their foreheads, thus showing their conformity to his evil world system. Those who refuse this mark will be killed (Rev. 13:15; 20:4).
No one knows exactly how the Mark of the Beast will come about, but with modern technology
being so advanced, many believe that it will somehow be connected with computers and scanning
devices. A person could have a permanent bar code or computer chip placed in their skin. This system
could even replace credit cards and checking accounts. This would help to give Antichrist the economic
control that the Bible says he will have. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Mary WorshipCatholics have been obsessed with this idolatrous practice since the fourth century. Devout Roman Catholics believe that Mary, the mother of Jesus, remained a virgin and remained sinless all of her life. She is worshipped in the Catholic church as the "Mother of God" and the "Queen of Heaven." St. Bernard stated that she was crowned "Queen of Heaven" by God the Father, and that she currently sits upon a throne in Heaven making intercession for Catholics.The Bible teaches otherwise. In the Bible, Mary was a sinner just like the rest of us. She said herself that she needed a "Savior" (Lk. 1:47), and she even had to offer a sacrifice for her sins in Luke 2:24. Jesus was only her "firstborn" son, according to Matthew 1:25, because she later had other children as well (Mt. 13:55; Gal. 1:19; Psa. 69:8). There's only ONE mediator between God and men, and it isn't Mary (I Tim. 2:5). The last time we hear from Mary in the Bible she is praying WITH the disciples, not being prayed to BY the disciples (Acts 1:14).
Roman Catholic Mary Worship is nothing more than Pagan Idolatry. Throughout history pagans
have worshipped female deities under various names, and many of them are in the Bible (Judges 10:6;
I Sam. 7:3-4; 12:10; I Kings 11:5; II Kings 23:13, etc.), including the "queen of heaven" (Jer. 44:16-25).
Mary is nothing more than a sinner saved by grace, whom God chose to use as a means of bringing His
Son into this world. The Bible never exalts her above anyone else. Neither should we. If you are a
Roman Catholic, perhaps you should give special attention to Mary's only command in John 2:5. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
MassThe Mass is a Roman Catholic perversion of the Lord's Supper where members take part in a pagan ritual--actually attempting to eat and drink the literal flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. This is strictly forbidden in the word of God (Gen. 9:4; Lev. 17:11-14; Psalm 16:4; Acts 15:29).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
MillenniumThe word means "thousand years." The Millennium is the coming one-thousand year reign of Christ and His saints. Revelation 20:1-6 speaks of this reign as being a literal, physical, and visible reign on earth. The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ, and He will rule the world in righteousness.
Those who choose to suffer for Christ today will reign with Him in the coming Millennial Kingdom
(II Tim. 2:11-13; Lk. 19:12-19). Also see Isaiah 2:2-4, 9:6, 11:1-6, Psalm 2:1-8, Luke 1:32, and
Zechariah 14:16-19. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
MissionsThe church was commissioned by the Lord Jesus Himself to carry the Gospel into all the world (Mat. 28:18-20); so the term "missions" in Bible believing churches refers to the efforts being put forth by Christians to fulfill our Lord's command. Although there are many missionary works right here in America (prison ministries, street preaching ministries, printing ministries, etc.), most missionary efforts are directed to the foreign mission field.
Most churches have a missions account where Christians can give love offerings to help
missionaries. If you are not currently giving to missions, perhaps you should speak to your pastor about
your church's mission program and missionaries. You can read about the missionary journeys of the
apostle Paul in Acts 13-28, and he has some good advice about giving to missions in Philippians 4:10-
19. Also see II Corinthians 9, Matthew 10:40-42, and Luke 6:38. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
MusicEveryone knows what music is, but many seem to have trouble discerning good music from bad music. Therefore we've included this brief section (at no extra charge) to assist such people in making this tough decision. In the Bible, good music sounds nice and gives praise and honor to God (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16; I Sam. 16:23; I Chron. 23:5; Psa. 150; Rev. 5:8-10), but bad music sounds like "a noise of war" and it gives praise and honor to FALSE gods (Exo. 32:17-19; Dan. 3:5-7). Good music may be accompanied by clean segregated dancing (Exo. 15:20-21; Ecc. 3:4; Psa. 150:4), but bad music is likely to be accompanied by dancing which stirs sexual passions (Mat. 14:6). If you have trouble deciding whether your style of music and dancing is good or bad, just ask yourself two simple questions: (1)" Would Jesus Christ listen to this music?" and (2)"Would He dance the way that I'm dancing?" You see, it's really a very simple issue when you put it in the "proper perspective."BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
New Age MovementThe New Age Movement is a modern-day movement which seeks to bring about a "new age" where all peoples, religions, and governments unite for the "common good" of mankind. Like the Ecumenical Movement, the New Age Movement will culminate with a one world religion and government under the leadership of the Antichrist (Rev. 13). Some Christians have the idea that they are safe from New Age doctrines so long as they avoid various New Age groups. This is not true. Satan is very subtle, and his New Age philosophies can be found just about anywhere. New Age ideas can be found in politics, education, music, the media, religion, and even in new Bible translations (See Riplinger's book on New Age Bible Versions.) The best defense against Satan's one-world movement is the word of God and prayer. The Christian who continually gives himself to Bible study and prayer will always recognize Satan's devices when they appear, no matter where or when they appear. As far as I'm concerned, any attempt to unite mankind on any basis other than the word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ is a part of the New Age Movement.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
PersecutionTo persecute someone is to treat them wrongfully because of who they are or what they believe. The Bible says in II Timothy 3:12 that all Christians who will live godly in Christ shall suffer persecution, and Jesus Himself tells us to rejoice when this happens because great is our reward in heaven (Mat. 5:10-12). We are to EXPECT persecution and we are told to BLESS those who persecute us (Mat. 5:44; Rom. 12:14).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Post-MillennialismThis is the false belief that the millennial reign of Christ will be ushered in by the Church and that Jesus will not return until AFTER the earth has experienced one thousand years of peace and righteousness. This, of course, is pure foolishness. Man has never established peace and righteousness and he never will. The Pre-Millennial view of the Second Coming is the only correct view.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
PraisePraise is basically any expression of approval, admiration, or devotion. To get a good idea of what praising God is all about, read a few chapters of the book of Psalms. The word is found over one- hundred and fifty times in Psalms alone. Hebrews 13:15 says that we should use our lips to offer praise to Him continually.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
PrayerPrayer is a matter of simply asking for something. Prayer should be addressed to God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Ghost (Jhn. 16:23-24; Acts 12:5; Jhn. 14:13; Eph. 6:18; Jud. 1:20), and prayers should always be PRAYED, not merely SAID (Mat. 6:7).A child of God should pray for his own needs or desires (Jas. 4:2; Mar. 11:24; Luk. 11:9-13), as well as the needs and desires of others (Luk. 10:2; Col. 1:9; I Ths. 5:17-25; I Tim. 2:1-5; Jas. 5:14). There are also conditions of prayer, such as having a FORGIVING SPIRIT when we pray (Mar. 11:25), BELIEVING that God will answer our prayers (Mar. 11:24; Jas. 1:6-7), CONFESSION of any iniquity in our hearts (Psa. 66:18), SEEKING GOD'S WILL (Luk. 22:42), and KEEPING HIS COMMANDMENTS (I Jhn. 3:22).
Paul said in I Thessalonians 5:17 for us to pray without ceasing. Also see I John 5:14-15, John
15:7, Matthew 7:7-8, James 5:16, Psalm 55:17, Philippians 4:6, 19, and Hebrews 4:16. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Pre-MillennialismThis is the Bible doctrine that Jesus Christ will literally return to the earth just before the promised millennial reign of Revelation 20:1-7, and that He will establish the Kingdom and reign over it Himself. We know this is true for His Second Coming occurs in Revelation 19, and the millennial reign immediately follows in chapter 20. This is the only correct view of the millennial reign.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
PropitiationA propitiation is a price which is paid to meet a demand or to settle an account. The Bible says that the Lord Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins (Rom. 3:25; I Jn. 2:2; 4:10). He paid the price for our Salvation. God the Father was pleased with Christ's sacrifice, so He is our one and only propitiation.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
RaptureThis word isn't found in the Bible, but it does describe a Biblical event. "Rapture" is from the Latin word "rapto," which means to "cease quickly" or to "cease by force." The resurrection of the New Testament church (I Cor. 15:51-52; I Thess. 4:13-18) is commonly referred to as "the Rapture" because of the sudden nature in which it occurs.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
RedemptionTo redeem someone is to set them free by paying a price. Jesus Christ has set Christians free by shedding His own blood as a payment for our sins. Our souls have already been redeemed (Acts 20:28; Rom. 3:24; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14; Gal. 3:13; I Pet. 1:18; Rev. 5:9), and our bodies will be redeemed when the Lord returns for us (Rom. 8:23; Eph. 4:30; Lk. 21:28).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
RegenerationA regeneration is a renewing or a new birth. The word occurs only twice in the Bible. The first time is in Matthew 19:28 where the context is the new birth of the earth when Jesus returns (Isa. 11:6-9; Rom. 8:21-23), and the next occurrence is in Titus 3:5 where the context is the new birth of the believer by the Holy Spirit.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
RemissionWhen the Bible speaks of a child of God having "remission of sins" (Mt. 26:28; Lk. 24:27; Acts 10:43; Rom. 3:25), it is speaking of the FORGIVENESS of sin that we have through the shed blood of Christ. This is very similar to redemption, but not exactly the same. For example, the Old Testament saints had their sins forgiven, or remitted, through the blood of animal sacrifices (Lev. 4:20; 26, 31, 35; 5:10, 13, 16, 18; 6:7, Num. 15:25-26; Psa. 130:3-4), but when they died they still couldn't go to Heaven because their souls had not been REDEEMED. Their sins had been forgiven on a temporary basis, so that they might maintain fellowship with God, but their sins had not been totally cleared from God's record (Num. 14:18; Ex. 34:7) because it was impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to TAKE AWAY sin (Heb. 10:4). Therefore, upon death, these saints went to "Abraham's bosom" or "paradise" in the earth's center (Luk. 16:22; 23:43). Here they waited for Christ the Redeemer to come and make the final payment for all sin. He did so, and then led these saints on up into Heaven (Eph. 4:8-9; Mat. 27:52-53). God would forgive sin in the Old Testament on the basis of animal sacrifices (remission), but these sacrifices all foreshadowed the Lord Jesus Christ Who would be the One Sacrifice to take away all sin forever (redemption).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
RepentanceWhen a person repents, he changes his mind about something and proceeds in a different direction. God commands all sinners to repent of their sins and turn to Him for salvation (Acts 17:30-31; Luk. 13:3). A person who truly repents is a person who will (1) Become saddened about their sins (II Cor. 7:9-10; Psa. 51), (2) forsake their sins (Mt. 3:8; Acts 26:20), and (3) submit themselves to the will of God (Acts 9:6). Anything less is something less than Biblical repentance.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
ResurrectionA resurrection is a "re-living," a "renewal", or a" rising again" from the dead. The Bible says that there will be a resurrection for all of the saints of God (Mat. 22:30; Luk. 14:14; Jhn. 11:24-25; I Cor. 15:51-52; I Ths. 4:13-18), but there is no general resurrection in the Bible. Unsaved people will be delivered up before God at the White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20:11-15), but there will be no Christians resurrected at this time. The resurrection for God's people is called the "first resurrection" (Rev. 20:5-6), and it occurs before the Lord Jesus establishes the millennial reign of a thousand years. Actually there are THREE PARTS to the first resurrection. The first is the resurrection of Old Testament saints which occurred when Jesus was resurrected (Mat. 27:52-53; Eph. 4:8-9). The second will be the rapture of the church, which we've already covered. Then the third part will be during the Tribulation Period when God calls out those who are saved in the Tribulation (Rev. 7:14; 14:14-16). A great deal is said about the resurrection in I Corinthians 15.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
SanctificationSanctification is the act of being set apart from sin and uncleanliness AND being set apart for God's service. My soul was sanctified the day I received Christ as my Savior (Acts 20:32; I Cor. 1:2; 6:11; Heb. 10:10, 14), but it is my personal responsibility to keep my BODY in subjection to God and live a sanctified life (Rom. 6:1-13; II Cor. 6:14-17). That is, since I AM a saint (one who is sanctified), I need to live like one. Sanctification isn't just a matter of not sinning (If it was, then your local cemetery would be the most sanctified place in your community, because it is filled with people who NEVER sin. They're DEAD.) True sanctification is turning FROM sin and turning TO God (I Ths. 1:9).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
SatanThe word literally means "the adversary." To some, Satan is only a symbol of evil, but in the Bible he is a literal living being who walks about seeking to deceive and to devour (Jhn. 8:44; Jas. 4:7; Rev. 12:9; I Pet. 5:8 ). There are five basic points that need to be understood about the past, present, and future of the Devil, and if you understand these five things, then you'll be light years ahead of the typical twentieth century "theologian." The five points are as follows:
Return to the Index (Top of the Page) Second ComingThe Second Coming of Christ is a prophetic event which will occur in the very near future. Just as Jesus came the first time as a literal, physical, and visible person, He will come likewise the next time. Some teach that the Second Coming is not a literal event, but the Bible states very clearly that it is. When Jesus came the first time He came as the "Lamb of God" to take away the sin of the world (Jhn. 1:29), but at the Second Coming He will come as the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" and the "KING OF KINGS" (Rev. 5:5; 19:16). He turned down the kingdoms of this world the first time (Mt. 4:8-10), but He will take full control of them when He returns (Rev. 11:15).The Old Testament is filled with prophecies about the Lord establishing a righteous kingdom upon the earth with Israel being the head of all nations (Gen. 49:10; Jer. 23:5; 25:30-31; Isa. 2:2-4; 11:1- 6; 42:13-14; Joel 3:16-21; Ezek. 36-48; Psa. 2:1-8; Zech. 14:16-21; Mal. 4:1-3; etc.). These prophecies were not fulfilled at Christ's first coming, so they will be fulfilled when He comes again. Many are teaching that these prophecies are no longer in effect because the Jews rejected Christ their King, so these prophecies are all spiritualized or allegorized for the church's benefit. This is heresy. All of these prophecies and many more like them are still in effect and will be fulfilled when Jesus returns. If you'll take a close look at Acts 1:6-7, 15:14-16, Hebrews 8:8-10, Romans 11:25-26, Luke 1:31-33, Revelation 6:12-17, and Revelation 19:11-16 you can easily see that God has not forgotten about His Second Coming prophecies. It is God's will for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to rule over the earth in righteousness. For six thousand years man has been in control, and man has proven that he is totally incapable of establishing peace and righteousness. At the Second Coming GOD will take control.
Before the actual Second Coming, or the Second Advent of Christ, Jesus will return for the church
and call out those who are saved (See Rapture and Resurrection.). The earth will then enter the
Tribulation, which will be approximately seven years in length (See Great Tribulation.). At the end of the
Great Tribulation, the Lord Jesus Christ will return from Heaven with His saints and take over the
kingdoms of the world. The wicked will be destroyed, the Millennial Kingdom will be established (See
Millennium and Pre-Millennialism.), and God's Son will rule over the nations. This is God's will, and this
Signs and WondersSee Apostolic SignsBACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
SinnerSome have the idea that a sinner is an extremely wicked person and that only a certain group of people actually classify as sinners (Mat. 9:11), but the Bible declares that EVERYONE is born a sinner and needs to be saved from his sins by receiving Christ as Savior (Rom. 3:10, 23; 5:12, 8-9; 6:23; 10:9-13).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
SodomiteIn the Bible a Sodomite is a homosexual, and the scriptures speak very much against this ungodly practice (Rom. 1:26-28; Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Gen. 19; I Kgs. 14:24; 15:12; 22:46; 23:7; Deu. 23:17). God has never created anyone to be a sex pervert, and He has never approved of this sin.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Spiritual CircumcisionThis term comes from Colossians 2:11-15 where we are told that the new believer experiences a "circumcision made without hands" which puts off the body of sins and allows the Christian to serve God in the spirit. In essence, the Christian's body is cut loose from his soul so that his corruptible flesh does not corrupt the redeemed soul.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
StewardshipA steward is one who is given the responsibility of managing or overseeing something (Gen. 15:2; Lk. 12:42-48; 16:1-13). God has made every Christian a steward, according to I Peter 4:10. God OWNS you if you are saved (I Cor. 6:19-20); therefore He owns everything that you own. With this being true, it is our duty to properly manage our entire life according to His will. As someone has said, we need to be good stewards with our TIME, with our TALENTS, and with our TREASURE because we will give account to God for it all.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
TithingTo tithe is to give a tenth. The first occurrence of tithing in the Bible is in Genesis 14:20 where Abraham gives God a tenth of his possessions. Jacob also vows to tithe in Genesis 28:22. Tithing was also a requirement under the Mosaic law (Lev. 27:30-32; Num. 18:21-28; Deu. 14:22). A tenth of all income was to be given over to the Levitical priesthood for their living and for the maintenance of the Lord's service. The blessings of God were promised to those who were obedient to His laws of tithing (Mal. 3:8-10).Today, although we are no longer under the Mosaic law, Bible-believing Christians still practice tithing because God accepted tithes even BEFORE the law of Moses. If an Old Testament Jew, whose sins had not yet been paid for, can give a tenth of his income to the Lord, how much more should WE be willing to give, whose sins HAVE been washed away in the blood of Christ? Paul said that God loves a "cheerful giver" (II Cor. 9:7).
Most Bible-believing churches consider tithing a MINIMUM gift, which goes into a general fund
to finance the basic expenses of the church, while special love offerings and missions are considered
separate offerings altogether. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
TonguesSee Apostolic Signs..BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
TrinityThe Trinity doctrine is the doctrine that God consists of three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Those who deny the existence of the Trinity usually do so because they can't understand it. Those of us who accept the Trinity doctrine don't fully understand it either; we just BELIEVE what God said about it.What did He say about it? He said, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." (I Jhn. 5:7) He said, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." (Mat. 28:19) He said, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen." (II Cor. 13:14) You can see all three members of the Holy Trinity present at the baptism of Jesus in Matthew 3:13-17. Jesus said when you've seen Him, then you've seen the Father (Jhn. 14:9), and Peter said that when you lie to the Holy Ghost you are lying to GOD (Acts 5:3-4). God the Father is God; God the Son is God; and God the Holy Ghost is God. See Deity of Christ and Deity of the Holy Ghost
Psalm 19:1-6 and Romans 1:20 tell us that we can learn of God through nature. Have you ever
studied nature? The Trinity doctrine is manifest everywhere. Time consists of THREE parts: past,
present, and future. Space consists of THREE parts: length, breadth, and height. Matter consists of
THREE parts: energy, motion, and phenomena. The sun consists of THREE types of rays: alpha, beta,
and gamma. Man consists of THREE parts: body, soul, and spirit. A family consists of THREE parts:
Father, mother, and children. You see, the truth of the Trinity is everywhere. We don't have to fully
understand it, and God never told us to understand it. Our job is to BELIEVE it. God is a Trinity. Three
in One, and One in Three, and the One in the middle died for me. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Unpardonable SinDuring His physical life on earth, Jesus often exercised His Deity by performing miracles through the Divine power of the Holy Ghost. In Matthew 12:22-32 the Pharisees witness one of the Lord's many miracles. Then, instead of believing on Jesus, they accused Him of performing miracles through the power of the Devil. He then told them that men could be forgiven for blasphemy (evil and hurtful speaking) against men and against Him, but that blasphemy against the Holy Ghost could NEVER be forgiven. A companion reference for this is found in Mark 3:30, where we are told WHY Jesus said this to them: "Because they said, he hath an unclean spirit."It is important to note that nothing is said about this particular sin after Calvary. It is only mentioned during the life of Christ on earth, while He was working genuine miracles by the power of the Holy Ghost. It is also needful to understand that blasphemy is a sin of the TONGUE. A person could not commit blasphemy with thoughts or actions. It was strictly a sin of the tongue, and it could only be committed by openly accusing Jesus Christ of working through Satanic power. Some teach that this sin may still be committed today, but there is no scriptural support for this. In fact, when Jesus later speaks of the coming of the Holy Ghost to indwell believers, He said that the Holy Ghost would convict the world of three things: sin, righteousness, and judgment. He then said that the Holy Ghost would convict the world of SIN for ONE REASON: "because they believe not on me." (Jhn. 16:7-11) It seems that if blasphemy against the Holy Ghost was to be the greatest sin of this age that Jesus would have used this opportunity to warn us about it, but He warned us about UNBELIEF instead. Some Charismatic groups, who profess to be LED by the Holy Ghost, are in the habit of accusing anyone who opposes them of blaspheming the Holy Ghost. For example, some Charismatics would say that I have blasphemed the Holy Ghost in this booklet, because I have written things in opposition to their practice of speaking in unknown tongues and faith healing. That's baloney. Even if they WERE doing all these things by the Holy Ghost (which they are not), it still would not be unpardonable to speak against it. Many people have spoken against great Christian works and then gotten saved later. The Apostle Paul is a good example (Acts 8-9). The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from ALL SIN (I Jhn. 1:9), and if you want to commit the unpardonable sin in this age, then you will have to reject Jesus Christ as your Savior. Go ahead and reject Christ, and when you stand before God at the White Throne Judgment, you will NOT be forgiven.
Now we do realize that a person can reject Christ for so long that God the Holy Ghost pulls away
and stops convicting that individual. In which case the individual never receives Christ, never receives
forgiveness of sin, and goes to Hell (Pro. 1:23-33; Isa. 55:6-7; Jhn. 12:37-43), but only God knows when
a person crosses that line. No man on this planet has any scriptural authority for telling someone that
God will never forgive them for their sins. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Virgin BirthThe doctrine of the Virgin Birth is the doctrine that the Lord Jesus Christ was miraculously conceived of the Holy Ghost and born of a virgin, without a man being involved. The original prophecy of the Virgin Birth was given in Isaiah 7:14, over seven hundred years before Jesus was born. Luke 1:34-35 and Matthew 1:24-25 tell us that Joseph took Mary to be his wife, but that he "knew her not" until after Jesus was born.It was needful for Jesus to be conceived of the Holy Ghost, because had He been conceived of a man, He would have had a sin nature (Psa. 51:5; Rom. 5:12), which would have disqualified Him from being the perfect Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world. The Virgin Birth is absolutely essential for New Testament salvation.
Many new Bible translations deliberately change the wording of Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:25, and
Luke 2:33 in an attempt to downgrade the Virgin Birth of our Lord, but thanks be to God, the King
James Bible can be trusted to preserve this doctrine without compromise. BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
WitnessingWhen a person witnesses he tells what he knows about a particular subject. We are told to be witnesses for Christ in Acts 1:8, so witnessing is simply a matter of telling someone about the salvation that the Lord Jesus Christ freely gives to all who will receive Him. A true Christian will not be ashamed to witness for the Lord (Mk. 8:38; Rom. 1:16; 10:11).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
WorshipWhen you worship someone you pay them divine honors. In John 4:24, Jesus says, "God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Many seem to think that worship is something that happens when people start acting religious (singing hymns, praying, taking offerings, reading scripture, preaching, etc.), but this isn't always true. Isaiah 1:11-20 tells us that God isn't impressed with a religious show. The Pharisees were the most outwardly religious people of their day, but the Lord wasn't the least bit impressed (Mt. 23). Friend, God knows your heart (I Sam. 16:7; Jer. 17:10), and if your heart isn't right with God, then your worship isn't right with God.BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
ZealA person who has zeal for the Lord is a person who is excited about getting involved in the Lord's service (II Cor. 9:2; Tit. 2:14; Rev. 3:19).BACK TO INDEX OF TERMS
Copyright © 1997 James L. Melton
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