       File: uca.xml
   1    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   2    <actions>
   3    <action>
   4        <icon>application-vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template</icon>
   5        <name>Compare</name>
   6        <unique-id>1694262108656432-5</unique-id>
   7        <command>meld %F</command>
   8        <description>Compares selected files or folders in Meld</description>
   9        <patterns>*</patterns>
  10        <directories/>
  11        <text-files/>
  12    </action>
  13    <action>
  14        <icon>edit-clear-all</icon>
  15        <name>Flatten Folder</name>
  16        <unique-id>1694261434479990-3</unique-id>
  17        <command>find . -mindepth 2 -type f -exec mv &quot;{}&quot; . \; &amp;&amp; find . -type d -empty -delete</command>
  18        <description>Moves all files from sub-folders to parent (current) folder, then removes all empty folders inside the current folder.</description>
  19        <patterns>*</patterns>
  20        <directories/>
  21    </action>
  22    <action>
  23        <icon>filefind</icon>
  24        <name>Find in this folder</name>
  25        <unique-id>1501922964209336-2</unique-id>
  26        <command>catfish --path=%f</command>
  27        <description>Search for files within this folder</description>
  28        <patterns>*</patterns>
  29        <directories/>
  30    </action>
  31    <action>
  32        <icon>transmission</icon>
  33        <name>get</name>
  34        <unique-id>1637447631566037-1</unique-id>
  35        <command>/home/mitch/bin/get %f |zenity --progress --auto-close --no-cancel  --pulsate --title=&quot;Downloading files..&quot;   --text=&quot;Downloading files&quot;  --percentage=0 --width=200</command>
  36        <description>get downloads</description>
  37        <patterns>get.txt</patterns>
  38        <text-files/>
  39    </action>
  40    <action>
  41        <icon>document-export</icon>
  42        <name>cp2clip</name>
  43        <unique-id>1694261198209073-2</unique-id>
  44        <command>cat %F | xclip -i -selection clipboard</command>
  45        <description>Copt text to clipboard</description>
  46        <patterns>*</patterns>
  47        <text-files/>
  48    </action>
  49    <action>
  50        <icon>mpv</icon>
  51        <name>mp4tomp3</name>
  52        <unique-id>1694260867611863-1</unique-id>
  53        <command>/home/mitch/bin/mp4tomp3 %F |zenity --progress --auto-close --no-cancel  --pulsate --title=&quot;Converting files..&quot;   --text=&quot;Working...&quot;  --percentage=0 --width=200</command>
  54        <description>Video to audio format</description>
  55        <patterns>*</patterns>
  56        <video-files/>
  57    </action>
  58    <action>
  59        <icon>Terminal</icon>
  60        <name>Open Terminal Here</name>
  61        <unique-id>1501922964209215-1</unique-id>
  62        <command>exo-open --working-directory %f --launch TerminalEmulator</command>
  63        <description>Example for a custom action</description>
  64        <patterns>*</patterns>
  65        <directories/>
  66    </action>
  67    <action>
  68        <icon>menulibre</icon>
  69        <name>Pick1</name>
  70        <unique-id>1693726785429504-1</unique-id>
  71        <command>/home/mitch/bin/zp1</command>
  72        <description>Picks a random file</description>
  73        <patterns>*</patterns>
  74        <audio-files/>
  75        <image-files/>
  76        <other-files/>
  77        <text-files/>
  78        <video-files/>
  79    </action>
  80    <action>
  81        <icon>onboard</icon>
  82        <name>Slugify Filename</name>
  83        <unique-id>1694261634623485-4</unique-id>
  84        <command>for file in %N; do mv &quot;$file&quot; &quot;$(echo &quot;$file&quot; | tr -s &apos; &apos; | tr &apos; A-Z&apos; &apos;-a-z&apos; | tr -s &apos;-&apos; | tr -c &apos;[:alnum:][:cntrl:].&apos; &apos;-&apos;)&quot;; done</command>
  85        <description>Rename the currently selected files, making the filenames lower-case &amp; replacing spaces with dashes.</description>
  86        <patterns>*</patterns>
  87        <directories/>
  88        <audio-files/>
  89        <image-files/>
  90        <other-files/>
  91        <text-files/>
  92        <video-files/>
  93    </action>
  94    <action>
  95        <icon>web-browser</icon>
  96        <name>Web index</name>
  97        <unique-id>1634506313542171-1</unique-id>
  98        <command>/home/mitch/bin/files</command>
  99        <description>Update index.html</description>
 100        <patterns>*</patterns>
 101        <startup-notify/>
 102        <audio-files/>
 103        <image-files/>
 104        <other-files/>
 105        <text-files/>
 106        <video-files/>
 107    </action>
 108    <action>
 109        <icon>preferences-desktop-keyboard</icon>
 110        <name>zlf</name>
 111        <unique-id>1634539793242490-5</unique-id>
 112        <command>~/bin/zlf %N</command>
 113        <description>Display file list</description>
 114        <patterns>*</patterns>
 115        <audio-files/>
 116        <image-files/>
 117        <other-files/>
 118        <text-files/>
 119        <video-files/>
 120    </action>
 121    </actions>