Creation/Henry Morris

You say I am a nut for believing the KJ Bible, while simultaneously believing you are an ape evolved from bacteria, siting on a spaceship made from molten lava, orbiting around a gigantic fireball, thatโ€™s 93 million miles away, flying through the universe at infinite speeds? Accidentally?!

Dr.ย Henry Morris is known as the father of modern Creation science, the founder of Institute for Creation Research (ICR) and the author of many well-known apologetic books. His thriving legacy continues to equip Christians to be able to defend the accuracy and authority of Scripture today.

Note: He does question the translation of the KJV on occasion, and goes to the Greek and Hebrew, but for the most part he does offer some real good information. No one is 100%, I take issue with brother Ruckman, and Bryan of KJVM as well, from time to time. I would hope that you follow the Spirit and the Bible.

The Dark History Of Evolution Dr.ย Henry Morris Duration: 00:47 Posted: 2022-03-30

The Long War Against God Henry Part 1 Duration: 00:55 Posted: 2022-06-03

The video below is by King James Video Ministries and relates directly to the above video. This is a good lesson to help unschool yourself from all the indoctrination you have had.

The Long War Against God Henry Part 2 Duration: 00:47 Posted: 2022-01-18

Genesis Flood Henry Morris Duration: 00:54 Posted: 2021-10-03

Biblical Creationism Duration: 00:49 Posted: 2017-12-07

๐Ÿ“œ Isaiah 59:1 Behold, the LORDโ€™s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:


Updated: Sat 11 Nov 2023 12:01:56 AM CST