
“The only thing wrong with a Catholic is his church,”

This history of the King James Bible is tied up with the Catholic Church, it has tried to rid the world of truth, and protect it’s claimed position.

This is the best layout of the matter that I know of. Once you see it, it will help a lot of things “fall into place”.

From Revelation Commentary, by Peter Ruckman:

Genesis 49:17 —The tribe of Dan is called a serpent.

Deuteronomy 33:22 —Dan is called a lion’s whelp.

The tribe of Dan is like unto a lion and a serpent. If you know your Bible, you know who this typifies. Satan is called a serpent in Genesis 3 and a lion in 1 Peter 5.

Judges 18 —The tribe of Dan gets a young man to be a priest for its tribe.

Judges 18:19 —This priest is called “father.”

Judges 18:20 —This “father” takes care of idols and uses them as an aid to worship.

Judges 18:28 —The tribe of Dan settles up near Zidon and Tyre on the Phoenician coast.

Judges 18:30-31 —They (Dan) are in total apostasy for nearly one thousand years. Up by Zidon, where the Phoenicians live, we find the tribe of Dan mixing with the heathen, and with priests called “father,” who use idols as an aid to worship. Nobody has any doubt about Zidon. In Genesis 10:19 you are told that Hamites (Canaanites) settled in this part of the country, and set up Baal worship.

1 Kings 16:29-33 —Ahab takes over, marries the daughter of the king of the Zidonians, and serves Baal, the Phoenician god. Here is Jezebel herself in the same passage.

1 Kings 18:26 —If that weren’t enough, in this Baal worship carried on in Phoenicia, connected with the tribe of Dan, we find that these people worshipped from 10 (or 11) in the morning to 12 noon.

1 Kings 18:24-25 —They worshipped the fire of the sun; they worshipped the sun god, on his day—“Sunday.”

1 Kings 18:28 —These black robed priests called “father,” mutilate themselves and do penance to pay for their sins. They mutilate their bodies to try to get what they want from God.

2 Kings 10:22 —These black robed, Baalite priests, called “fathers,” who are in the tribe of Dan, who conduct the Phoenician Baal worship for Ahab and Jezebel, wear long robes called vestments. Consequently, they have vestries and vestrymen for the vestments.

Jeremiah 10:1-5 —These people, who worship Baal, the sun god (on Dec. 25 as his birthday), worship him with a tree cut out of the forest by the hands of the axeman, and “deck the halls with boughs of holly, tra la la la la la la la la.”

Jeremiah 44:17-19,25 —They bake cakes to a female deity whom they call, quaintly (exactly what Papa Paul calls her!), “the queen of heaven,” clearly identifying the Phoenician Baal worship for what it is.

Phoenician Baal worship from North Africa, through the sons of Ham, with its black robed priests called “fathers,” connected with the tribe of Dan, worships Sunday from 10 or 11 a.m. to 12 noon and observes Christmas. These are the original worshippers of the Antichrist. They are the Devil’s crowd. This is not a Dark Age superstition or Protestant bigotism. This is Scripture with Scripture, without anybody interpreting anything. All you have to do is read the passages.

For an overview read the following paper:

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đź“ś Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.


Updated: Wed 25 Sep 2024 05:58:40 AM CDT