Some Things I Have Learned
This is a collection of things I have picked up over the years. I never finished high school, or went to college, so I learned he old-fashioned way, by reading and doing, and paying attention to the world around me. Take them, or leave them, I put them out there because they have served me well over the years.
- Forsaking All I Trust Him
Galatians 2:20
- Read the King James Bible every day: Bookend your day with it. Which means start your day reading and praying, and end it the same way.
- Pray without ceasing: Formal prayer is good, but one should “walk with God”, and have a running conversation with Him. With that, also comes listening.
- Tracks and witness: Keep tracks on your person at all times, and drop them when you can. If you are talking to some one just about anything, explain the Bible position to them. Keep in mind, this acts as a sin repellent.
- Give: Offer no advice or opinions, unless asked. People don’t want it, but help when needed.
- Buy less of what you want, just what is needed
Proverbs 23:4
. - Buy bulk: If you use it, stock it.
- Repair, reuse, repurpose: It will grow your personal skills and serve you well in the long run.
- Make your own: Why buy a camping stove, when you can make one out of two discarded cans? This will teach you skills that will last a lifetime.
- Cook from scratch, and preserve: It is healthy, saves money, and is very enjoyable.
Simplicity - Keep It Simple Solutions 1 Thessalonians 4:11
- Always look for the simplest answer, it is usually the best solution.
Health 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
- Organic exercise: Don’t drive, walk. Move, do, act, and you will get all that you need. Stay away from modern appliances, they make you soft, fat, and cost money.
- Natural Diet: If it’s not real, and your grandparents could not make it, don’t eat it.
- Supplement (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure): Learn what the nutrients do, focus on minerals first, then antioxidants and fats. Spending a little here will save you a lot in the future.
- The only violence that is moral, is self-defense (non-aggression principle).
- The individual is sovereign (self ownership).
- Taxation without consent is theft.
- No collectivist group can have more rights than the individual (maximizing individual consent).
- Beware of the P.P. class: Predators & Parasites.
- No one in the New Testament ran for office, or voted.
- If you want to know who’s in charge, ask who it is you’re not allowed to criticize.
- Only lies need coercion, because truth will always prevail.
- The less you understand yourself and how you function, the more susceptible you are to manipulation and mind control.
- Trust in the Lord thy God
Proverbs 3:5-6
. - Plan no more than three tasks per day
Proverbs 13:7
. - Own little, set your treasure in Heaven
Mat. 6:21
. - Two is as good as one; one is a good as none
Proverbs 6:6-8
- Do not socialize with people, unless of God
2 Corinthians 6:17
. - Do not speak unless spoken to
Jam. 1:19
. - Don’t criticize, condemn or complain
Ephesians 4:29
. - Never offer opinions
Proverbs 17:28
. - When interrupted in speech, just stop talking
Proverbs 17:27
. - Pay attention to people’s feet when they talk to you, if they are not facing you, they do not want to talk to you.
- If you email or call twice and get no response, stop. Ball is in their court.
- Live in day-tight compartments
Matthew 6:34
. - Keep It Simple Solutions
1 Thessalonians 4:11
. - Count your blessings - not your troubles
Psalms 118:1
. - Pray without ceasing
1 Thessalonians 5:17
- Always sleep in the same bed if possible
Ephesians 5:33
. - When making decisions, always keep the other person in mind
Genesis 2:24
. - Touch, in every form, is important
Ephesians 5:25
- Avoid dept and usury and banks!
Romans 13:8
. - Use cash only as payment
Proverbs 22:7
. - Live within your means.
- Save in gold, silver, or hard assets.
- Keep 3 months wages in cash
Proverbs 30:25
- Always arrive early.
- Keep a notepad.
- Pay issues arise, stop working (learned the hard way).
- Stay focused, don’t play with phone or talk much.
- Study the King James Bible, it’s the manual from the Father.
2 Tim. 2:15
- Always try to own the tools for your job if you can afford it.
- RTM, i.e. Read the manual and documentation.
- Never waste money on a class or training unless you are willing to read 3 books on the subject.
- Lowest common denominators for skills and tools: Master the basics, they will serve you well.
- Intelligent design ratio: Easy to use, complicated design = less efficiency.
- 5/3 rule: focus on the top 5 or 3 items, and you will get the most gain for the least effort.
- Education is pulled, indoctrination is pushed.
- Fiction is another word for lies, as are models (think computer models).
- The more you know, the less you need, consider your EDC (everyday carry).
- Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
Levels of Learning
- Never speak on a topic unless you have read at least three books on it.
- Do not claim to be knowledgeable, unless you have read at least five.
- Do not consider yourself to be an expert unless you have read more than seven and have experience.