CRN/DIY and Tech Books & References

DIY: Fixing problems when you can’t afford help

As times get harder, a new generation of people is going to half to learn how to fix issues when they arise and also maintain the complex systems we are surrounded by. The are skills are an investment, that pays back dividends in the form of cost savings and well-being.

It takes time and effort to learn how to repair something, and you need to understand how it works, as well have the correct tools to do the job. With this said, do not be intimidated., as everyone starts at the bottom. The person who knows what they are doing and can effect a repair quick, was not born that way. They learned by doing, reading, and making a β€œmess of things” on occasion.

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You don’t need the most expensive tools (and tool box) around. Get a five gallon bucket with a handle and start collecting used tools and hand-me-downs. Purchase new tools as needed, not wanted. Over time, you will amass a basic set, and most likely have a few β€œspecialized” tools.

The basics (* indicates items more specialized)


I hope you take the initiative and learn some basics, they will serve for a long time to come. –Mitch

πŸ“œ Matthew 22:32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.


Updated: Sat 17 Feb 2024 03:14:44 PM CST