CRN/β˜” Environment

Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure. - Robert LeFevre

After plandemic fake viruses, this is another favorite that will be used for control.

  1. 1987: NASA’s James Hansen predicted that the world would be 3C warmer by 2020. Wrong! Global Average Temperature was about 0.44C higher in 2020.
  2. 1978: The concentration of atmospheric CO2 to double by 2020. Wrong! Levels increased by 23%.
  3. 2009: China to cut emissions 40-45% below 2005 level by 2020; India to cut 20-25%. Wrong! 2020 Reality: China’s 2020 emissions ~85% HIGHER than 2005; India’s ~150% HIGHER.
  4. 2008: Snow on Kilimanjaro to vanish by 2020. Wrong! 2020 reality: snow still there.
  5. 1986: EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) predicts 2 feet of sea level rise for Florida by 2020. Wrong! 2020 Reality: Sea level rise + subsidence in South Florida since 1986 has been less than 4 inches.
  6. 2000: By 2020 snow will be so unfamiliar, people won’t know how to deal with it. Wrong! 2020 Reality: It still snows in the UK, the Met Office still forecasts snow and in 2020 Scotland boasted of its fleet of snow trucks being ready for action.
  7. 2000: Global warming will ruin Pacific Island Nations economies by 2020. Wrong! 2020 Reality: As of 2019, Tuvalu, for example, was enjoying an unprecedented 6-year economic growth spurt.
  8. 2004: Pentagon says climate change-caused resources shortages to cause global war by 2020. Wrong! 2020 Reality: Nations largely at peace. Planet only at war with Coronavirus.
  9. 2013: Arctic ice-free by 2020. Wrong! 2020 Reality: The prediction was 3.9 million square kilometres wrong at the annual minimum in September 2020.
  10. 2009: Glaciers gone from Montana Glacier National Park by 2020. Wrong! 2020 Reality: What are gone are the signs claiming Glacier National Park glaciers would be gone by 2020. Mat 5:18

Flashback Feudalism 2.0 2007 Duration: 00:37 Posted: 2022-06-06

How Bad Global Warming Science Hurts The Environmental Movement Duration: 00:27 Posted: 2022-03-29

The Coming Ice Age Duration: 00:19 Posted: 2021-10-11

Climate Change Is A Lot Of Hot Air Duration: 00:15 Posted: 2020-06-26

Globaltemp Duration: 00:23 Posted: 2015-12-07

How Why Big Oil 1 Duration: 01:11 Posted: 2016-01-08

How Why Big Oil 2 Duration: 01:53 Posted: 2017-10-06

Pilot Who Didnt Know He Was Being Taped Admits To Dumping Toxic Duration: 00:37 Posted: 2025-02-11

Bill Gates Caught Admitting Climate Change Is Wef Scam To Inner Circle Duration: 00:08 Posted: 2022-09-30


Climate The Movie The Cold Truth Duration: 01:19 Posted: 2024-04-03

Climate Alarmists Battle To Censor Film Exposing β€˜Climate Crisis Scam’


Fletcher Prouty Explains Invention And Use Of Term Fossil Fuels Duration: 00:08 Posted: 2022-10-09


Forensic Arborist Robert Brame Explains How Trees Absolutely B Duration: 00:06 Posted: 2025-01-25


Look Up They Are Spraying Us Like Bugs. 2020 Documentary Duration: 00:27 Posted: 2022-05-08


Project Extermination Of Humans By 2025 See Video Proof With Your Own Eyes Duration: 00:20 Posted: 2022-05-08


The Dimming Climate Engineering Dane Wigington Geoengineering Watch Duration: 01:56 Posted: 2022-05-08

β€œClimate change” has been used for a very long time for control. It is also being used to modify the environment. The real question is why. I think Satan is jealous of humans, this is why he tempted Eve. They want us out, and he wants to take possession of our bodies, another act of rebellion.


This Is What The Inside Of The Chemtrail Spraying Planes Look Li Duration: 00:00 Posted: 2025-01-27


This Is Where 14 Of Worlds Lithium Comes From The Battle For Chiles Critical Minerals Duration: 00:13 Posted: 2022-07-31

People think they they are going green and helping the environment. They have no idea that they are causing more damage then the current paradigm.


What In The World Are They Spraying 2010 Duration: 01:37 Posted: 2022-11-22


Why In The World Are They Spraying 2012 Duration: 01:12 Posted: 2022-11-22


πŸ“œ Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.


Updated: Tue 11 Feb 2025 02:49:02 AM CST