Mitch’s Quick tips!
Health, frugal living, tech, prepping, Bible, and more!
- If you get the hiccups often and you take Iodine, cut back. That is the symptom of saturation.
- Borax (purchased in laundry section) can be deluded and used as a boron supplement (see recipes).
- Borax can be used to wash your hair and it treats dandruff, including itch. Also wash your dogs with it to prevent mange. Mix into warm water and rub into scalp.
- MSM, Magnesium Chloride, and DMSO can be purchased from farm stores (Tractor Supply).
- You can use plane Milk-of-Magnesia as a deodorant (use cotton ball to apply), also good for acne, and skin irritations.
- Grape juice can be used to relieve severe migraines.
- Pineapple juice us 5 times more effective than cough syrup, and it also prevents colds and the flu.
- DMSO can be purchased at farm supply store in the equine area.
- “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, better to take care of yourself and not get sick, even if it costs more now.
- Stop buying tooth paste, use baking soda. Add a few drops of cinnamon or mint essential oil for flavor.
- Never put anything on you body that you should not put in your body. Anything you put on your skin, your body consumes. Remember that!
- Make your own deodorant (see recipes)
- Lugol’s Iodine: When you don’t know the reason why, always take the K and I.
- Take enough C to be symptom free, whatever the amount might be.
- Eat like your grand parents did, if they could not make it, you should not eat it.
- Sugar depletes the body of minerals, and competes with vitamin C in the body.
- Stock lots of sea salt (with color), Vitamin C, and Lugol’s Iodine. If I had to only pick three, that is what they would be!
- Keep a grease tin for bacon grease, use it for cooking. Top it with a metal sink strainer, to strain the grease.
- Get a chest freezer (more efficient than an upright). When items are on sale, stock up. Eat what you store, store what you eat!
- Shop at Aldi and save money over conventional supermarkets.
- Keep at least three months worth of food that does not need refrigeration on hand (don’t forget the vitamins).
- Use plastic shopping bags to wrap food for the chest freezer, drop them in small boxes to organize them by type (pork, chicken, etc…).
- Learn to cook from scratch, its healthier, and saves money.
- Learn to make bone broth, it will add flavor to dishes and is very good for you. Save your bones, and leftover veggie scraps for the broth. No waste!
- Learn to can, dehydrate, and pickle; build up a pantry of food that does not require refrigeration.
- Place eggs in water. Bad eggs float, freshest are on the bottom.
- Create a text file with recipes, formulas, add contacts and any other important information. Print it out and save it in your go bag, get home back, and inch bag. To serve as a personal reference in hard times, and as a way to pass important information on.
- Pesticide: 50% flour and 50% baking soda, mix and dust on plants.
- Miracle Grow: 1 Gal water, 1 tsp Epsom salt, 1 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp ammonia. Mix and give each plant a quart once a month.
- Fungicide Spray: 1 gal water, 1tbsp dish soap, 1 tbsp backing soda, 1 tbsp olive oil. Mix and spray.
- Use toilet paper roll insert (brown part) for seed starters.
- “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best”, plan as if things are not ever going to improve and act. If and when they do, you will have a better appreciation of what you have.
- “The more you know, the less you need”, skills are very important in hard times. Spend time learning them and practicing them.
- “Two is as good as one, one is as good as none”
- Go camping once a year make sure you have a good tent, stove, etc… Now you will be ready for both bug out and grid down (if you have no power, camp in the living room with sleeping bags, flashlights, make a blanket fort to keep heat in).
- If you own a car or truck, always keep an inverter in it (600 watt minimum) with a long outdoor extension cord. Now its a generator.
- Keep a “get home bag” in you car/truck. In case of SHTF and you need to get home on foot, or just survive (see prepping guide).
- EDC (Every Day Carry): Always carry a lighter, knife (Swiss army or Leatherman), analog watch (can use as a compass), handkerchief (many uses), flash light, and some cash stuffed away. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
- Always purchase Vitamin C, borax, baking soda, and washing soda in bulk. Learn what to used them for, make sure you keep them on hand. So many uses, so important.
- Get some 5 gallon buckets and screw on lids. Store caned meats, rice, beans, vitamins, TP, soap, and trash bags. Use them if needed, or give away to help others. You can grow food in them, or put a trash bag for impromptu toilet.
- Learn how to make alcohol stoves, cheap, easy and can help you in a pinch. You can also make a TP/tin can heater for emergency use. Keep a few bottles of 90% alcohol on hand for fuel.
- Create truth bombs: 4gb flash drive with a readme.txt explain what is going on. Add to it pictures and videos. Leave them in places that people can find them.
- Switch to Linux, it’s free, does not have viruses, and is more stable than Windows. Use free software that come with it. Better security and less chance of being spied on as well!
- Switch to a pay as you go flip phone. No apps, cant be used as a passport, but you can make and receive calls (you know, like a phone).
- Get rid of TV, and dump streaming sites. They are used to brain wash and condition you.
- Get rid of junk emails, create a rule that deletes anything with “subscribe” in it, make it the last rule.
- Ignore unwanted calls: Set your default ring tone to an empty mp3 file so you don’t here calls. Then set a ring tone for friends/family and by person or group. If unknown person/company calls, they can leave a message. (see cell under mp3 files)
- If you are being harassed by someone, set your voicemail message to an error message (see cell under mp3 files)
- If your computer can read/write microSD cards, backup your data to one and keep it in your wallet.
- Don’t use highlighter to mark text, they tend to bleed. Use a pen and small ruler to underline. If you want to mark a large amount, just draw a line top down next to the section. Its cleaner and does not mess up the Word of God.
- Bookend your day, start by reading the Bible each day, and end the day with a Proverb (31 chapters)
- Get an audio Bible (see MP3’s) and play it when you read, and follow along. This will make it easier to remember and teach you how to pronounce the hard words.
- Get small business card tracts ( and keep them in your wallet. Leave them in restrooms, store shelves, library books, use them as book marks, etc…
- Write verses and website URLs onto money with a fine point red (to stand out) pen. As you spend cash, you are passing a tract.
- Purchase t-shirts, become a walking advertisement for The Lord. Magnetic Scripture Signs sells them, as does Bible Baptist Bookstore.
- Dial-the-Truth sells buttons to pin to cloths. Pick up a set, when you are not wearing a shirt with a verse, put on a button.
- If you have a computer that the display is seen by others, set the desktop picture and screen saver to a slide show of Bible themes (See Desktop pictures).
- I picked up 5 KJ Bibles (paperback), and put a track on the version issue, a track on what to do if you miss the rapture, and a small track for a bookmark, in each of them. They are to be handed out if needed, left in my car for homeless, left behind in case I go to The Lord.
- If you need to call a company and talk to a real human:
- Priorities: If you die today, it would take a week or two to replace you at work. After a month, you will be used as an excuse, after that forgotten. The impact on your family and friends will last for years. That is how you set your priorities.
- Don’t buy clothes detergent, use a 50 50 mix of super washing soda and borax. Its cheaper, better for the environment, hypoallergenic, and does a good job.
- Buy clothes and other items at thrift stores. Save money and they take cash.
- Once a year, hang all your clothes hangers backward. At the end of the year, anything not hung correctly, take to the thrift store.
Updated: Sat 24 Aug 2024 02:38:11 PM CDT