Christian Remnant Now / 🏹 Prepping
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Proverbs 6:6-8 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
Page Contents:
People have lived simple lives for the last 6000 years, without the need of government, internet, and technology. For most of human history, any form of government could only control small segment of the population, in cities. The vast majority of people had very little interaction with it. They lived in small communities, working with each other.
Don’t fight the system, ignore it and leave it.
You need, food, clothing, shelter, water, heat, and little else. Get back to basics. Learn the plants in your area. Which ones can you eat? Which are good for medicine, or both. Can you fish, hunt, garden and collect seeds, forage, raise small animals (rabbits and chickens)? It is never too late to start.
Faith is very important. Get a King James Bible. It does not have to be an expensive leather bound affair. Parents can use it as a text book to teach kids to read and write, it was what most families used for the last 400 years.
This is not going to be a sudden collapse (I could be wrong), but it will collapse. Start to collect used books that will helpful. Learn basic survival skills. Cooking from scratch. Go to 2nd hand stores for gear, or garage sells. Get camping gear, hand tools etc… The sooner you start, the better off you are going to be.
❗ Important: Basic rules for hard times
- “Two is as good as one, one is as good as none”
- Always stock what you use and use what you stock.
- “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, better to take care of yourself and not get sick, even if it costs more now.
- “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best”, plan as if things are not ever going to improve and act. If and when they do, you will have a better appreciation of what you have.
- “The more you know, the less you need”, skills are very important in hard times. Spend time learning them and practicing them.
- 🎬 Local archives
- 🔗 Does It Go Bad?
- 🎬 Gardening
- 📚 Gardening Books You gan grow just about anyplace, even in the city
- 🎨 Gardening Tips A picture is worth…
- 🔗 Links More gems to be found
- 📚 Animal Husbandry It’s not hard
- 🥣 Meat Prepping
- 📚 Meat Cutting
- 🎬 Chickens and Rabbits You can do it!
- 🥣 Mitch’s Recipes PDF
- 🎬 Pets Don’t forget the pets!
- 📑 Related books Lots of gems in here!
💡 Tip: If you are going to grow a garden you NEED to read this
📚 Modern Miracle Men.pdf 6.5M Boron (think Borax), and Epsom Salts will do wonders!
Everyone should be able to go for at least 3 months with no incoming food sources. That does not mean that you will eat steak each night. Knowing what to buy and how to cook from scratch is one of the best things to know to survive hard times.
Stock up
Make sure you have a chest freezer full of food if you can. Meat is the best thing to store for food. It is the most nutritiously dense, and complete food. It is also the most hard to come by in hard times. After that dry goods, canned good, etc… Stay away from mixes and boxed meals (hamburger helper, etc…). Also don’t forget fats, for cooking and health. Despite what the MSM tells you, you need fat in your diet. Freeze butter, buy caned or caned gee, and lard.
👍 Rule of Thumb
- Date the products
- Do not buy anything you will not really use
- Then make sure that you rotate them out using the oldest 1st
💡 Tip: Salt! Store lots of salt. It is one of the best, and proven methods of preserving food. Used in canning, pickling, and drying! Salt with color is best (pink sea salt, or Celtic). But any salt will do.
❗ Important: Related skills
- You need to know how to bake bread, make stews, soups, etc… from scratch.
- How to garden if you live in a place that you can
- How to regrow vegetables from the store indoors
- How to preserve food without power: can, dehydrate, dry canning, pickle
- How to make Bone Broth
- How to identify wild edibles and use them (in your local area)
- How to hunt, fish, and trap
- You should have manual tools at home (grader, can openers, knives)
- Pick up a camping coffee pot
💡 Tip: Electric appliances are nice, but you should have a complete camp kitchen, and know how to use it. This will be useful for camping, bugging out, and power down situations.
💡 Tip: Every home should have a garden. Especially if you have kids. It will help them learn that food from from plant and is not made in one. It is also a big part of being able to support yourself. It also has the side benefits of saving money on food, and eating healthier.
💡 Tip: Composting, knowing how to live without fertiliser and pest control is important. You can do this indoors without smell if you have to in the city.
💡 Tip: If you are in the city you can window garden.
Budget prepping in a small apartment Duration: 00:11 Posted: 2018-03-08
15 Survival Foods Duration: 00:15 Posted: 07/22/21
100 Days Worth Of Food For 100 Dollars, Lasts 25 Years Duration: 00:13 Posted: 07/22/21
25 Survival Vegetables To Grow In Your Apartment Pt1 Duration: 00:14 Posted: 2020-08-20
👍 Rule of Thumb
- Good set of boots, sneakers.
- Plan for layers, have extras and keep them in good shape.
- “When you buy quality, you only cry once”
- Have a sewing kit for repairs and learn how to use it.
💡 Tips:
- Use baking soda for brushing your teeth, it’s cheaper then anything else. You can add some essential oil to it for flavor (mint or cinnamon).
- Stop buying shampoo, use soap. Shampoo is soap, you are paying for marketing. If you have dandruff, try Pine Tar soap.
- Stop buying deodorant. You can buy zinc oxide powder a small bag will last you years. I fill a small tin and use a power-puff for makeup to apply. It will work until you shower it off. Long distance hikers use it. You can also use a water and magnesium hydroxide solution in a roll on bottle. Both are very effective and last a very long time.
I have been thinking about this topic a lot lately. If I had to choose, what would I want to carry in a bug-out situation. What would be of the most use? I have a lot of alternative medicine, and have read a lot about the topic, even went to school and became a LMT. So this is what I would take, keep in mind that, knowledge is power, you need to know how and when to use them.
How A Special Forces Medic Sets Up His Ifak Individual First Aid Kit Tactical Rifleman Duration: 00:07 Posted: 2023-08-31
❗ Important:
- First Aide
- Band Aids or Liquid Skin
- Non-Adhesive Wound Dressings
- 2 Ace Bandage
- Duct Tape
- Butterfly Stitch Bandages
- Base medical kit
- Activated Charcoal caps, and powder : To pull toxins out, remove splinters, and more. Life happens.
- I would also pick up Charcoal Patches and Charcoal First Salve Stick!
- Salt: Full spectrum sea salt, because the body is made from minerals, and PH is critical to staying well.
- Vitamin C: Without salt, and C, you will get sick, you will die. Many of the modern “diseases” are caused by a lack of salt, and C.
- DMSO: A true miracle pain reliever, sulphur compound with lots of uses, internal and external.
- GSE: Cure infections, kill pathogens, PH balence body.
- Iodine: The original universal medicine, it will even purify water to make it safe to drink.
- Pine salve : As a basic salve, congestion, bug repellent, muscle rub, sore feet, etc…
- Turpentine: Parasites beware, essential oil of pine is here.
- Pine tar soap: Helps with many skin conditions, and repels bugs to boot.
- Assortment of band aids, and bandages, and trauma kit.
- Magnesium chloride flakes: Add to water for mag-oil. Add a touch of DMSO, that’s some powerful stuff! Also taken internal for illness (see recipes).
- Activated Charcoal caps, and powder : To pull toxins out, remove splinters, and more. Life happens.
- Basic supplements
- Multi vitamin (high quality, I use two-per-day from Life Extension)
- d3/k2 (use in place of CLO above when bugging out)
- Zinc (cheap and keeps you healthy)
- Multi vitamin (high quality, I use two-per-day from Life Extension)
I could go on, but that is the basics. Anything else would be a plus if you have it, but when planning to bug-out, space and wight are an issue.
💡 Tip: Check out the medicine section under health on my site. Also look at the supplements listed above it.
❗ Important:
- 🎬 Local archives You should already have what you need
- 🎬 Bikes Transportation in hard times!
- 🎬 Kerosene Heat, lite, cook, and more!
- 🎬 Radio A must!
- 🎬 Slingshots Cheap, quite, easy way to get small game.
- 🎬 Swiss Army Knife EDC 101
- 🔗 Related Links
❗ Important: Dave Canterbury’s 10 C’s of Survival
- Cutting Tool: pocket knife and fixed blade
- Combustion Device: lighter, fire steal, and matches
- Cover: Tarp
- Container: Must be able to boil water
- Cordage: Para cord, bank line
- Cotton Bandana: I prefer one with survival and first aid information printed on them
- Compass: Should be part of EDC, plus a good one in your kit
- Candlelight: Beeswax is best
- Canvas Needle(s): For repairs, a few sizes
- Cargo Tape: Butterfly bandages, repair equipment, fire starter
💡 Tip: Every adult should own two things: A backpack setup for camping (inch bag) and a go bag.
In addition to this one should also carry some basic items to make sure that you are ready for whatever comes your way. (this is often called EDC, Every Day Carry)
❗ Important: Three books for the bug out bag
- KJ Bible (Save souls!)
- The Green Beret Pocket-Sized Survival Guide: First Aid, Water, Food, Shelter, Scavenge, Specific Emergencies and Disasters (Save lives!)
- Pocket Ref (Get it done!)
Keep in mind that each level includes the items from the ones below it:
- Level 1 - Things you should always carry (EDC)
- Level 2 - Jacket and bag/pouch
- Level 3 - Go bag
- Level 4 - Back Pack (inch bag)
- Level 5 - Home
Level 1 - Things to carry
- Comb
- Lighter
- Handkerchief
- Weapon (Pepper spray, Stun gun, hand gun, knife) and training on how to use it.
- Flash light
- Multi tool (Swiss army knife or Leatherman)
- Keys: House, car, work
- Wallet:
- 100 cash
- Debit card
- Police card: Rules for dealing with police/law Police-cheat sheet
Level 2 - Jacket and bag/pouch
- Light jacket with hood and good for wet weather. Pick one with lots of pockets:
- Gloves
- Emergency blanket
- Light stick
- Pen and Paper
- Matches (water proof)
- Belt pouch:
- Flash light
- Leather man
- Flint/Steal
- Magnesium block
- Emergency blanket
- First aid kit
- Wipes
- Compass / maps
Level 3 - go bag
This would contain your clothes, papers, pictures, etc. How do you decide what to place in it? Take a sheet of paper and start a list. Pretend that you just had everything you own wiped out. You get to keep 100 things. What are they? Can you place your hands on them at a moments notice now? Like I said, you decide.
Sample list:
- Food: Hard tack, sardines, oatmeal, instant coffee and tea.
- 1 pair of jeans
- 1 long sleeve shirts, 2 short T’s
- 3 pairs socks and underwear
- Soap (Pine Tar soap keeps bugs away and helps with many skin issues)
- Vitamins and medications
- Towel, wash cloth
- batteries for devices (one backup set)
Kit bag:
- Tooth brush
- Deodorant
- Tooth Paste or whatever you use
- Homeopathic remedies Create Your Own Natural Medicine Chest
Level 4 - Back pack
This again is going to be based on your location and skills. That being said this is a sample list to work from:
- Food and Water for three days
- First Aid Kit
- Disaster Plan with location and contact information of emergency services
- Maps and compass
- Emergency shelter such as tents and tarps
- Supplies for the building of fire including a lighter, emergency matches, Fire Steel
- Cooking supplies (Kelly Kettle)
- Bedding such as warm blankets or sleeping bags
- Medicines
- Tools and survival gear (Fishing / Hunting)
- Pet Supplies
- Radio (Weather/AM/FM at a minimum)
- Lighting (LED Flashlights are best)
- Water purification (See: Cooking supplies)
- Signaling (whistle, signal mirror, flares, etc)
Kelly Kettle Camping Kettle Duration: 00:02 Posted: 2022-02-04
10 berkey water filter mistakes to avoid Duration: 00:13 Posted: 2021-02-12
Best Emergency Light Source Kerosene Lanterns Duration: 00:05 Posted: 2018-12-01
How To Use A Kerosene Heater Duration: 00:15 Posted: 2021-12-19
🔝🏹 Survival
- 🔗 Related Links
- 🎬 Local archives
- 🎬 Homeless Video Series
- 🎬 Self Defence
- 📚 Prepping Books
- 📚 Priorities Of Survival 4 Wallet.pdf 664K
“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable…” ― H.L. Mencken_
- Make sure you know of a safe place to go, away from the city. Some place that you can walk to or ride a bike. Roads might be an issue. Maps and compass are a must, you do not want to use a GPS, or phone, as they can give you away.
- If things get bad and you have to leave, don’t plan on guns to hunt with. If you miss they will scare game away. They will also give you position away. Fishing (look at yo-yo reels), trapping, and sling shots are best.
- Seeds, kept safe are a plus, as is handbook for foraging.
How To Survive The First 90 Days After The Collapse Duration: 00:17 Posted: 2022-04-14
Urban Survival Concepts Duration: 00:07 Posted: 07/22/21
Ultra Lightweight Bug Out Bag And Survival Kit Duration: 00:23 Posted: 07/22/21
Black Scout Tutorials: Shelter Considerations During EE Duration: 00:07 Posted: 07/22/21
20 Wilderness Survival Tips And Bushcraft Skills Duration: 00:20 Posted: 2020-04-24
Black Scout Tutorials: Bugout Clothing What To Wear When Bugging Out Duration: 00:14 Posted: 07/22/21
An armed man is a “citizen”; an unarmed man is a “subject”.
Some countries do not allow guns, same is true for some cities. Ammo is hard to find as well. One just needs to be a bit more creative that’s all.
For guns, I like simple, cheap, easy to maintain. A 357 revolver is the best handgun, as it takes .38 and .357 rounds, and is easy to clean and use for beginners. Plus you can use a revolver with one hand, a semi-automatic takes two hands to cock it, that might become an issue. I also would consider a 12 gage shotgun. Lots of ammo available, and you can hunt small to large game. Simple to maintain, and don’t forget a cleaning kit.
If you live in a city or in a place that you can not own a gun, or want a useful backup; don’t overlook the slingshot. They don’t make noise, and can be used for small game. If you have some arrows, and a whisker biscuit, you can hunt large game as well. You can make both, if needed. A good pocket knife and non-folding knife are as must as well.
How To Clean A Revolver Duration: 00:27 Posted: 07/22/21
How To Shoot A Slingshot By Zachary Fowler Slingshot Duration: 00:11 Posted: 2018-10-19
Using The Slingshot To Hunt Bigger Game Duration: 00:12 Posted: 2018-11-19
Updated: Thu 20 Mar 2025 10:49:12 AM CDT