Christian Remnant Now / πŸ’Ÿ Health


1Cor6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

πŸƒ πŸ“‚ Directories πŸ“‘ Topics πŸ”‘ Intro ❗Remember

Disclaimer: The statements on this site about health and related issues are NOT approved by the FDA, CDC, WHO, or by drug companies (I am not trying to kill you for a buck). I am NOT a medical doctor, (I have never been to college, or even graduated from high school) so I am not trying to profit from your misery. You must do your own homework, you should NOT trust them. Everything I have learned has been from reading books, medical research papers, watching lectures, and testing on myself. RDA should stand for really dumb advice. That is all, carry on!

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

πŸ”‘ Rant on Healthcare

If you go to the hardware store, you can purchase ethyl alcohol. The same kind that is in booze. If you drink it, it will kill you or cause serious bodily harm. Why, because it has been β€œdenatured”. This is a nice term for poisoned. The government does this so that you don’t buy it to drink and not pay the taxes. They would rather kill you!

Next up, go to the drug store and purchase iodine or hydrogen peroxide. Look at the label, β€œdenatured”. Why because they do not want you to have cheap effective medicine, they would rather kill you.

This is the same people who want to vaccinate you with toxins, mRNA technology, and fetal tissue extract, you know, β€œfor your health”!Β 

So let me put this very simply: Don’t take medical, nutritional, or ANY other kind of advice from them. Stop filling your heads with lies from all forms of media and entertainment. Read and learn for yourself. Take responsibility for yourself and love ones. The alternative is to be culled (killed), like cattle.

They want you sick, stupid, and scared.

So, what I have figured out (this is not advice). If you eat REAL food (made from scratch, like your grandparents), take extra minerals and vitamins missing from our soils and food, you will get and stay healthy. If you do get sick or develop some condition then you can use REAL medicine (as in not toxic) to help clear pathogens, fix PH levels, and increase oxygen in the blood.

So what is real medicine? I use DMSO, which is a solvent based on sulfur. To kill pathogens, fix PH, and increase oxygen, I have three choices, depending on availability and severity of the condition: Baking Soda (mild cases), GSE (my go to), Hydrogen Peroxide (Cold/Flu - treating ears and nebulizing). I also use herbs, sea salt, high dose vitamins (Orthomolecular Medicine). It has taken many years of studying to get the information I have. This site has the books, videos, etc… that I found to be of most use.

If you start at the health page and read and watch to the bottom, you will be able to treat all but the major trauma issues (broken bones, gun shoot). I would also recommend that you put the time in to read the books. You will find a lot of missing details in them. -Mitch

❗ Some things to remember

πŸ’Ÿ 1. Requirements for good health

πŸ’£ 2. Keep in mind the average human can last

πŸ”¬ 3. Illness is caused by the following

πŸ“‚ Directories

πŸ“‘ Topics

πŸ“Œ Pin denotes link to auto-generated archive page.

🦠 Germs and Viruses

The only thing mutating is the lies.

Like all the other lies that we have been taught from birth, this is another means of controlling us. It also has the benefit of cutting the population down and keeping the IQ’s down, by poor nutrition and toxins. When you realize the causes of illness (see above), the solutions are not hard or complex. They are also not very expensive.

What has struck me from studying animal husbandry, is that we (man kind), figured out the diet and how to maintain health for our animals for thousands of years, we just can’t do it for humans! Animals, when left to their own devices in a proper and uncontaminated environment, can take care of themselves. They even know what to seek out when they have an issue. But somehow humans still can’t pin it down. Give me a break.

Dr.Β Sam Bailey Germ Theory Vs Terrain Theory Duration: 00:15 Posted: 2021-10-20

5 Spectacular Fails From Germ Theory Duration: 00:22 Posted: 2023-09-12


β˜• History

Eccl1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Rockefeller Medicine Duration: 00:44 Posted: 05/29/21

This (video above) is the foundation for how we got into this mess. Please watch it with an open mind and consider all that is going on now.

A Timeline Of Vitamin Medicine Duration: 00:21 Posted: 2017-01-14

Ignorance And Prejudice In Medicine Duration: 00:18 Posted: 2021-06-10

He also wrote a history of medicine, which is worth reading. But if you watch the above video, you will get the basic idea.

Why And How Doctors Have Betrayed Patients Duration: 00:18 Posted: 2021-06-18

Dr Suzanne Humphries Smallpox Illusions Duration: 01:03 Posted: 2021-11-17


Sodium Fluoride NaF

Our Daily Dose A Film By Jeremy Seifert Duration: 00:20 Posted: 2019-05-25

Drugs that contain it:


πŸ’‰ Covid

❗ Important: Vast amounts of kids go missing EVERY YEAR, why is there no outrage over this? Because they are being used by satanist elites, and it would not serve their agenda! If the people in charge of the UN, your own government, etc… Truly cared, they would be stopping this, not made up issues.

Covid06.jpg β€œCovid06”

Spayvac Smoking Gun For Vax As Human Depopulation Duration: 00:16 Posted: 2023-01-11

An Urgent Message From Professor Sucharit Bhakdi Duration: 00:17 Posted: 2021-07-08

⁣Scientific literature references for Dr.Β Bhakdi’s presentation:

πŸ“Œ v important DK Posted: 07/08/21
πŸ“Œ v. imp. IgG IgA Posted: 07/08/21

response to mRNA vacc. +++

πŸ“Œ key spike and IgG after vacc Posted: 07/08/21
πŸ“Œ third IgG response to vaccine paper Posted: 07/08/21

David Wolfe Coincidence Theorists Duration: 00:01 Posted: 2023-01-10

This is suppose to be humor, however it speaks the truth. For some examples of this, you can look here: 🎬 More Young Hearts. The next time you call in sick to work, tell them you have a bad case of coincidence! πŸ”

😁 Dental Care

🎬 More Information on Dental Care

Dental health is very important, and so it is something that everyone should be concerned with. I trust dentists as much as I do doctors, which is to say, not at all. We are fed a lot of lies, to profit the system and those in it.

Back in the day, if an old farmer wanted to purchase a horse or a dog, he would check the animal’s teeth. Do you know why? It is because of dental caries (tooth decay), is caused by a lack of minerals and so you can use it to judge the health of a person. i

I once knew a woman who had been placed in a mental hospital for her new religious beliefs. An older doctor was evaluating her for release and ask to see her teeth. When she relayed this to me, she said that she never could figure out why. I explained that a lack of minerals cause tooth decay and shows the health of a person. Well, the brain is just another organ of the body, if your teeth are rotting out, good chance the mental health has issues as well.

I would avoid fluoride products, that will not help at all. Just another toxin they sell you. Basic care that I have found is to brush your teeth in the morning after breakfast. I use a soft toothbrush and baking soda, with a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide. After that is done, flush mouth with sea salt water (as a mouthwash). In the evening, repeat and floss as well.

On a side note, sugar does cause tooth decay, as it strips minerals (mostly magnesium) from the body. So your body will take it from the teeth first. So avoid all sugar, and brushing will not help with that. Also soda contains Phosphoric acid, which destroys the bodies PH. So your body will take minerals out of your bones (teeth included) to maintain it.

If you can not eat and are in a lot of pain, you are of little use to anyone including yourself. Take care of your teeth and gums! Minerals are the key!

Dental Supplies to stock

How To Brush Your Teeth For Healthy Gums Grandmas Toothpaste Duration: 00:03 Posted: 2021-11-13

This Is What Happens When You Gargle Saltwater For 1 Week Duration: 00:03 Posted: 2020-05-11

Make sure you use sea salt (with color), the only kind you should have in your house.

What To Do When You Lose A Filling How To Use Temporary Dental Filling Material Duration: 00:04 Posted: 2021-08-31


🚽 Detox

Detoxing is one of the most important things that you can do to maintain and also to get back to good health. There are lots of agents that can be used, as well as vitamins and minerals that you need, that have a detoxing effect when used correctly.

Detox Vitamins/Minerals:

Activated Charcoal C

Activated Charcoal Duration: 00:04 Posted: 2016-08-26

4 Reasons To Use Activated Charcoal Duration: 00:16 Posted: 2018-10-28

Diatomaceous Earth

The Benefits Of Diatomaceous Earth For Humans Duration: 00:03 Posted: 2022-06-16

Diatomaceous Earth Benefits And Uses Duration: 00:14 Posted: 2022-08-09


πŸ₯© Diet

1Cor10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

β€œ90 Essential Nutrients”


β€œIf people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” Thomas Jefferson

It comes down to this:

Nutrients In Food9 23.png β€œNutrients In Food9 23”

To heal your gut, and in turn your health, I recommend the GAPS diet. This is not a β€œdiet” you stay on forever, it is designed to heal you, then you can switch to WAP based diet. They are very close, but there are some differences.

Dr Natasha Campbell Mcbride Wise Traditions London Talk 2010 Duration: 01:28 Posted: 2022-07-08

β€’ πŸ”— Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS healing Diet)

The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming to provide the scientific validation of traditional foodways. People seeking health today often condemn certain food groups β€” such as grains, dairy foods, meat, salt, fat, sauces, sweets and nightshade vegetables β€” but the Wise Traditions Diet is inclusive, not exclusive.

Here is some good information on eating this way and the benefits:

Dr.Β Weston A. Price Overview Duration: 00:44 Posted: 2018-11-04

Dr.Β Roger J. Williams said, β€œWhen in doubt, use nutrition first.”

Nourishing Traditional Diets By Sally Fallon Duration: 01:58 Posted: 2018-11-18

This is will give you the reasoning for eating a more traditional diet. Eat like your grandparents did. You will also love her cookbook which is full for information as well. It is not what you think of as a cookbook. Remember: Food comes from plants and animals, it is NOT made in a plant, by an animal!

They Will Feed Us Anything. The 100 Billion Dollar Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic Duration: 00:28 Posted: 2022-08-03

Lehmans sell grease keepers (stainless is best), and butter crocks. If you want to have an alternative to mayo, try plain Greek yogurt.

Bone Broth

The health benefits of bone broth have been hailed across cultures and time thanks to its bountiful vitamins and minerals. It’s packed with good stuff, including iron, selenium, calcium and vitamin K. It’s easy to make at home using mostly your kitchen scraps.

  1. Bone Broth Boosts Immunity
    • Amino acids in bone broth, like arginine, glutamine, and cysteine, boost immunity in humans and animals.
  2. Bone Broth Alleviates The Common Cold And Bronchitis
    • Aid in alleviating symptoms of the common cold, by clearing mucus, opening respiratory pathways, and providing easily digested nutrition.
    • In addition, chicken soup naturally contains the amino acid cysteine, which chemically resembles the bronchitis drug acetylcysteine.
  3. Bone Broth Fights Inflammation
    • Many of the amino acids in bone broth (such as cystine, histidine, and glycine) reduce inflammation, and L-glutamine specifically reduces gut inflammation.
  4. Bone Broth Strengthens Bones And Teeth
    • The necessary nutrients for bone-formation requires β€œan adequate and constant supply of nutrients” as follows: calcium, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, potassium, Zinc, manganese, copper, boron, iron, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, and the B vitamins.
    • Bone broth with vegetables and meat or fish provides a good source of all of these vitamins and minerals.
  5. Bone Broth Promotes Weight Loss
  6. Bone Broth Improves Hydration
    • Bone broth, especially when it’s made from vegetables, adds electrolytes (minerals) and carbohydrates (from vegetables) to the diet.
  7. Restore Exercise Capacity with Bone Broth
    • Liquids with carbohydrates and electrolytes, like a bone broth simmered with vegetables, outperform water alone when it comes to restoring exercise capacity that may be lost from dehydration and electrolyte depletion.
  8. Build Muscle with Bone Broth
    • The amino acids in bone broth can help stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Muscle protein synthesis is essential for the ongoing growth, repair, and maintenance of skeletal muscle groups.
  9. Improve Mood with Bone Broth
    • Your diet influences your gut bacteria, and your gut bacteria influence your brain. The makeup of gut bacteria, called your microbiome, influences how the brain is wired from infancy to adulthood, along with moods, memory, the ability to learn, and how to deal with stress. When the gut microbiome is healthy, it sends happy signals to the brain; when it’s unhealthy, it can send signals of anxiety.

In addition to these benefits of bone broth, the gelatin it contains has an additional 9 bonus side-effects:

Special Note: In real hard times, keeping a stock pot going is a must. You should own a large one, made of stainless steal. As you prep meals, place all vegetable scraps in it, as well as left over bones, skins, and other animal parts. You can mix the type of animal products (checking, pork, beef, etc…). This will give you stock all the time and if you have a cup a day, it will help keep you healthy. You should make sure you add black pepper and sea salt on occasion as well as ACV (and other seasoning, and of course water).

Bone Broth And Turmeric A Nutritional Powerhouse For Your Gut Skin And Joints Ancient Nutrition Duration: 00:10 Posted: 2021-07-03

How To Make Bone Broth Heal Leaky Gut Duration: 00:28 Posted: 2019-04-22


The Oiling Of America Sally Fallon Duration: 02:03 Posted: 2021-07-12



8 Simple ways to reduce your EMF exposure

  1. Earthing: Vitamin G - G for the ground. Walk on the earth barefoot as much as you can to receive the benefits the Earth’s negative charge.
  2. Get rid of your microwave: It is easy to get rid of this typical kitchen device, and use more healthy ways not only for your food’s nutrition, but for your personal and family’s health. Use a convention oven or re-heat on the stove, or eat more raw.
  3. Power down at night: Connect your WI-FI to a switch so you can turn it off at night and when you do not need it during the day. This helps to lower the exposure in your home environment and get a better night’s sleep.
  4. Change your cell phone to airplane mode: If you use your phone as an alarm clock it is best to turn off the wireless signal so it is not being emitted all night long close to your brain. Also when walking or carrying your phone on you, if you do not need it, just put it on airplane mode.
  5. Keep all wireless devices out of the kitchen and bedroom: Best to keep all these devices out of where you eat and sleep as they are the two most highly used spaces of the home and where you spend much of your time.
  6. Do not carry your phone on your body: Try to identify times in your day when you do not need your phone on you or near you. Having a meal with someone. Spending time in nature. Walking the dog. When you are working on your computer.
  7. Talk on your wireless device using speakerphone: It is best when talking to not be holding your phone up to your head, have it placed at least 3 feet away to decrease your exposure.
  8. Eat these spices and take a magnesium supplement: Spices rich in phenolics, including cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, cloves, and rosemary are showing in research to help protect as well as repair damage from EMF due to their protective capacity against peroxynitrites. Peroxynitrite is a potent cytotoxic chemical that is formed naturally in the body by the interaction of nitric oxide and superoxide radicals (which result from EMF exposure). Also, since magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker, it helps reduce the effects of EMF on your VGCCs. As a result, optimizing your magnesium level may help decrease damage from EMFs.

Going forward it looks like they (evil powers that be) are using our devices against us. Going back to a simpler life is more cost effective, and now seems to be a healthy choice as well. Not to mention the privacy advantages.

Note: Vitamin C, Niacin, Iodine, and Magnesium, may help mitigate some of the effects. As this is what has been used to treat (with success) radiation poisoning.

Invisible Rainbow History Effects Of Electromagnetism Arthur Firstenberg Duration: 00:58 Posted: 2021-12-20

This is one of the most important interviews I have heard in a long time. I purchased his book The Invisible Rainbow, and have read it, it changes everything.

Did You Know EMF Is Everywhere And RF Can Kill Check This Out Duration: 00:14 Posted: 2022-05-18

πŸ’Š Orthomolecular Medicine

MSDS: C c6H8O6 Niacin C6H5NO2

I was once a major alcoholic, and drug user. I have had to deal with this my whole life. After turning my life over to The Lord, he led me to reading about this topic. After reading about Niacin and high dose vitamin C, I tried it. It was like someone flipped a switch! For once I had an idea of what normal was. I later learned that beer contains high levels of Niacin (not enough for someone like me), and tobacco has Nicotine (related chemical). This is why most hard core beer drinkers/smokers can’t quit.

More resources:

All of the above mentioned should look into low dose lithium as well.


I have thought the connection was obvious. After reading about Niacin and treating my own issues I began to read a lot on this topic. It is sad, that most mental issues are caused be a lack of nutrients and that the β€œprofessionals” would rather treat you with chemicals that harm not heal. On a side note, one should fix the diet, cut the sugar out, and supplement as a starting point. If that did not work, then tweak as needed.

A word of caution to anyone on prescription medication for mental conditions: Quitting or altering doses of some of the drugs prescribed, can lead to dangerous consequences. You need to do your homework and perhaps work with a willing professional to get off them.

That Vitamin Movie 2016 Andrew W. Saul Orthomolecular Medicine Duration: 01:26 Posted: 2023-06-07

What If. Nutrition Could Treat Mental Illness Duration: 00:58 Posted: 2024-03-29

Feed Your Head Orthomolecular Treatment Prevention For Mental Illness All Health Problems Duration: 00:43 Posted: 2021-07-13

Lithium Orotate , Niacin, and Vitamin C

If you or someone you know is an alcoholic, you need to read about this. The same can be said for mental health issues.

John Gray Lithium Orotate Very Good For Mental Health Duration: 00:08 Posted: 2024-02-25

Niacin And Vitamin C Duration: 01:10 Posted: 2019-01-11

Niacin Vitamin B3 Brain Benefits Duration: 00:22 Posted: 2021-10-28


πŸ’Š Supplements

Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

NOTE: I can not make recommendations to others for legal reasons, this is what I have done for the following conditions. I would strongly recommend that you do your homework to determine what is right for you.

My baseline: Items I use to keep from getting unwell.


Personal care / Other

Conditions I have had and what I used to treat them

Minerals are the most overlooked part of health especially trace minerals. They are the foundation upon which health is built. Minerals, water, and then all the rest. If you have all the minerals your body needs, it will go a long way to detox you, keep infections in check (bacterial and fungal), and keep inflammation down. A document that you most likely never heard of and should read is Modern Miracle Men.

Minerals like Boron, Manganese, Chromium, Iodine, Copper, Zinc, Vanadium, and Magnesium, are never mentioned by your doctor. He/she/it is never trained in the role they play in health. It would put the drug companies out of business. Some like Magnesium, Zinc, and Iodine are pushed in the alternative community, but the others you won’t hear about. Boron, is very key as it helps regulate the others, as well as hormones (vitamin D, and sex hormones).

If you read about old folk medicine (pick me!), or animal husbandry, you will know they used to check the teeth. Do you know why? Because your body will take minerals from your teeth first, so bad teeth are a sign of lack of minerals, i.e.Β bad health. I once met a woman who was locked up for being β€œcrazy”, when really she just had deep religious convictions. During the review to see if she was sane, an older doctor ask to see her teeth. She was released, when she was talking with me about this she said she always wondered why he checked her teeth, I explained that it would show nutritional deficiencies. The mind is just another organ, if you are lacking in nutrients, it will cause mental issues as well as physical. The old doc knew this.

On a related issue, brushing your teeth and using a poison like fluoride, won’t help you one bit. Sweets are bad for the teeth, but it’s because they drain your body of magnesium. Animals don’t go to the dentist and the teeth don’t rot out, as long as they feed on what they are supposed to. The same goes for people. Now you know why they do not want this information getting out.

I also have some recipes for salve and such in my πŸ₯£ Recipes. PDF version

Healing Modalities

On a side note: Anything you put on your skin, your body consumes. Remember that!

Borax (boron) 5B

Helps with:

Jorge Flechas Md Boron And Oral Health Duration: 00:40 Posted: 2018-10-19

Boron Supplementation Health Benefits Duration: 00:16 Posted: 2021-09-19

Cod Liver Oil

πŸ”— More Information:11 Benefits of Cod Liver Oil: The Anti-Inflammatory Disease Fighter Posted: Friday 07/30/21

Cod Liver Oil Benefits And Uses Duration: 00:09 Posted: 2020-05-04 Your browser does not support the video tag.

Why Use Cod Liver Oil For Eczema Remedies For Eczema Dr.Berg Duration: 00:04 Posted: 2020-08-22

How To Best Swallow Cod Liver Oil Duration: 00:04 Posted: 2019-11-09

Magnesium MgCl26H2O

Health Benefits of Magnesium
  1. Involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in your body
    • Magnesium is found throughout your body. In fact, every cell in your body contains this mineral and needs it to function. -About 60% of the magnesium in your body occurs in bone, while the rest is in muscles, soft tissues, and fluids, including blood.
    • One of its main roles is to act as a cofactor β€” a helper molecule β€” in the biochemical reactions continuously performed by enzymes. It’s involved in more than 600 reactions in your body.
    • Energy creation: converting food into energy
    • Protein formation: creating new proteins from amino acids
    • Gene maintenance: helping create and repair DNA and RNA
    • Muscle movements: aiding in muscle contraction and relaxation
    • Nervous system regulation: regulating neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system
  2. Boost exercise performance
    • During exercise, you need more magnesium than when you’re resting, depending on the activity.
    • Magnesium helps move blood sugar into your muscles and dispose of lactate, which can build up during exercise and cause fatigue.
  3. Combat depression
    • Magnesium plays a critical role in brain function and mood, and low levels are linked to an increased risk of depression.
  4. Support healthy blood sugar levels
    • Studies suggest that about 48% of people with type 2 diabetes have low blood levels of magnesium, which may impair the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels effectively.
  5. May promote heart health
    • Magnesium plays an important role in keeping your heart healthy and strong.
  6. Boasts anti-inflammatory benefits
    • Low magnesium intake is linked to increased levels of inflammation, which plays a key role in aging and chronic disease.
  7. May help prevent migraine attacks
    • Migraine headaches can be painful and often cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and noise.
  8. May improve PMS symptoms
    • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is one of the most common conditions in female-bodied people of childbearing age. It often causes symptoms such as water retention, abdominal cramps, tiredness, and irritability.
  9. May promote bone health
    • Magnesium is crucial for maintaining bone health and protecting against bone loss. In fact, 50–60% of your body’s magnesium is found in your bones.
  10. Support better sleep
    • Magnesium supplements are often used as a natural remedy for sleep issues such as insomnia.
    • This is because magnesium regulates several neurotransmitters involved in sleep, such as gamma aminobutyric acid.
  11. Help reduce anxiety symptoms

Magnesium Brain Benefits Duration: 00:14 Posted: 2021-10-18

Why Were All Magnesium Deficient Top Signs What To Do Dr Carolyn Dean Magnesium Miracle Duration: 01:16 Posted: 2018-09-30

This is another item that will impact you health in so many ways I could not list them!

Lugol’s Iodine I2KI

Helps with:

So many uses in the body and without! This is a must stock item.

Companion Nutrients for Lugol’s Iodine

How Much Iodine is in Lugol’s Solution?

Lugol’s Iodine is typically sold in two strengths – 2% and 5%.

2% Lugol’s Solution

5% Lugol’s Solution

Iodine Essential Or Dangerous Why You Need It How Much Duration: 00:14 Posted: 2020-01-21

Benefits Of Iodine The Healing Trace Minerals For Cysts Thyroid Pcod And More Dr.Berg Duration: 00:16 Posted: 2020-12-16

MSM (Sulfur) C2H6O2S

Helps with:

Miraculous Health Remedies With Msm Sulfur Duration: 00:21 Posted: 2021-07-11

Sea Salt

Health Benefits Of Salt Nutrients We Are Not Getting Enough Duration: 00:08 Posted: 2020-10-23

Salt Your Way To Health Duration: 01:36 Posted: 2018-10-28



Is Chlorine Dioxide A Wonder Cure For What Ails You I Will Let You Decide Duration: 01:49 Posted: 2022-02-13

DMSO, MMS, and Hydrogen Peroxide are REAL medicines, not poison. This is why they are suppressed. Getting healthy and staying so, is not hard or expensive. But it is made illegal, difficult to learn about, and maligned, because it competes with those who profit from your demise. This one you need to research before using, it is powerful and dangerous. It should also not be used with antioxidants (vitamin C/E, or herbs)

Mms Chlorine Dioxide Instructions The Bleach Psyop And A Solution To Oona V1 Rus Duration: 00:18 Posted: 2022-02-15

Red Cross World Sensation Malaria Finally Defeated Mms Testimonials Duration: 00:18 Posted: 2022-02-15

Updated: Thu 20 Mar 2025 10:48:25 AM CDT


πŸ“œ John 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.


Updated: Thu 27 Mar 2025 07:32:28 AM CDT