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πŸ“œ 1 Timothy 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Page Contents:

  1. ❓ About A little background information.
  2. Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)
  3. πŸŽ₯ Video of the day Random content from the archives

Please note: The Bible in the menu, when you click on it, will now open in a new window.

πŸ”‘ Introduction to site

This site contains truth. Not the truth that you have been indoctrinated in, but real truth. If you approach it with curiosity, and watch, read, and listen; it will change you. You will come away with a different world view, cling to your King James Bible and The Lord Jesus Christ, and truly distrust all major institutions you once believed in. You will lose friends and alienate family. As a bonus, you will never be able to go back, nor will you want to. You have been warned.

πŸ“ Also note: Some of the content is disturbing, especially if it is new to you. I have also tried to flag anything with bad language, but I am not perfect. Some of the sources are secular, but they are of worth. As always remember: β€œThe Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.”

This site does not advertise, track personal information, or sell anything. Links to sources like Amazon and others, are done to support the content creators and product makers themselves. You can send me email via the link at the bottom of the page, but if you are using Gmail or Yahoo, I can not respond. This is a censored site (not the β€œDark Web”, just dim). The same goes for finding it via web search. The Holy Spirit and word of mouth bring people here.

πŸŽ₯ Video of the day

Propaganda Documentary Duration: 00:41 Posted: 2022-03-17


πŸ“œ King James Bible

When I turned my life over to The Lord Jesus Christ, he saved me from alcohol and drug addiction. He turned my life around, in many ways. A long time ago, I had come across Gail Riplinger and her book New Age Bible Versions. I found a lot of people criticized it, and her as well. This got my attention and so I read it. It taught me that the King James Bible is the Word of God, and the other English versions are perversions.

I started to study the Bible and read it cover to cover. I then found that people (including my own family) put it and me down. The world, (and those of it) do not like that book. Why, you may ask? Because it is God’s words, and it judges man. It tells of hidden history, the depravity of man, and goes against everything man wants to believe in.

I also found that very few Bible teachers believe in the text, they all tend to correct it. I do not believe that God makes mistakes. If He can not preserve his words, then how can he save me? I asked God through prayer to help me understand his words, and teach me. He led me to Peter Ruckman, Bryan Denlinger, and Clarence Larkin. I also noticed that they are spat upon by the world, dismissed as cult leaders, heretics, etc… If you stand for God’s Word, the King James Bible, and take it for what it means, pray before you study, God will show you things, you would never have imagined. Oh, and the world will turn against you and despise you. That, by the way, is how you will know that you are on the right track. - Mitch

πŸ’‘ Tip: The πŸ“œ Offline-kjv will work on a pc, extract it and open the index file with your browser, no web server needed. You can also serve it with any free web server for Linux, Windows, or Android.

Also note that in Unix#rdb and Unix#sqlite, you can find additional resource for the computer geeks.

πŸ’» Bible Analyzer

This is the Bible software that I use on Linux. It also runs on MacOS and Windows.


πŸ“š Bible Study Resources

A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. Teddy Roosevelt

πŸ’Ή Charts and Images

πŸ’΅ The Bible Baptist Bookstore offers the following:

Adam’s chart is a bit unwieldy, not sure I would get it unless you have a place for it. I have the bound version, and it’s still a VERY large work to handle.

✍️ My Notes

I have decided to post some of my personal notes. Please keep in mind that they are not designed for public consumption, nor do I believe in everything that is in them. They are just my notes from books I have read, videos I have watch, etc… I may or may not add more later.

See also:


❓ Why the KJV?

The Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. The Bible is the only accurate textbook on science in existence. There are textbooks that deal with certain attributes about physical science, that is not what we are after. Ps 12:6; Ps 119:11

2Tim3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

πŸ“° KJV Articles:

Lawyer Police Lies Dumb Questions 10 Best Responses Duration: 00:14 Posted: 2024-04-17

You should also consider purchasing a hard copy of her book New Age Bible Versions. It was the main book that woke me up to what was going on with God’s words.

Manuscript Evidence By Dr.Β Peter S. Ruckman Duration: 00:55 Posted: 2023-12-22

Bible Only Sola Scriptura Duration: 00:14 Posted: 2021-11-21

Professor David Crystal The Influence Of The King James Bible On The English Language Duration: 01:00 Posted: 2018-10-20

The above video is well worth watching. No other book has had such an influence on the English language. Even if you are not a born again believer, you will find it very fascinating.

πŸ”¦ Other PERversions


πŸ“” Methods of Study

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Peter Ruckman Read The Bible Duration: 00:07 Posted: 2022-03-28

Read the Bible cover to cover. Look up any words you do not know in a dictionary (see Resources), and look at any cross references in your Bible’s center reference.

It is also good to have a commentary handy for areas that you do not understand. I recommend Peter Ruckman commentaries.

Marking the Bible and taking notes

I have, over the years, tried many methods and highlighters. I really have not had much luck with them, they tend to β€œbleed though” the pages. So this is the system I came up with. I use a pen, and a small ruler. My main Bible is a wide margin, large print (old eyes).


I use Bible Analyzer and also a Kindle KJ Bible as well. I use color for them, yellow for important verses, blue for Ruckman’s Bible References, etc…

That is my basic method. I do have a lot of notes on the computer as well, and I use Markdown and Vim for that. Markdown allows me to convert them to the web, PDF, or Doc format quickly if needed.

Resources I have learned the most from and have helped me:


πŸ€“ Reading Plans

Pray for wisdom and understanding. The author of the Bible is STILL ALIVE, so He can help you understand it James 1:5; I John 2:27. When is the last time you asked the Lord for understanding?

When I read the Bible, I listen to an audio Bible and follow along. This helps me memorise it and learn how to pronounce the words.

Strait Through

This is the most common method. The Bible has 1189 chapters, if you want to read it through in a year divide it by 365. That would be a little more then 3 chapters a day. You can do the math and come up with any amount you want.

My Method

Each day:

This will take you through the Bible about six times a year. Sounds like a lot at first, but if you are like me, you will most likely do more.

Updated: Fri 21 Feb 2025 01:33:14 PM CST
